My first blowjob had that MarioKart 8 Mushroom haircut. Changed my life.
My first blowjob had that MarioKart 8 Mushroom haircut. Changed my life.
Amazing. Electric. Stop now.
(Tauntaun): "mwaaaaak"
Yuck, really?
I am sure that i would watch that.
…that's bullshit, man. i don't know WHAT i believe anymore.
Tell me he has a cape!!
he's not that STRONG a swimmer
How much of my life did i experience, and how much was a dream, i wonder.
You're hardly even poultry.
(logs off, joins church)
……but he HAS a bad ass? :)
…because opposite?
I think it's clear, you want to be Louis's content editor. You sure have a clear idea what he shouldn't say.
…in that i am the second-fattest poultry here of course
Holy shit. I never knew it was so involved.
It's like you set out to ruin this post yourself.