This is the most amazing[-ly spurious and replete with false implications] use of square brackets in human history"
This is the most amazing[-ly spurious and replete with false implications] use of square brackets in human history"
Oh, then never mind
Maybe i will. That'll learn him.
Stop! Or My Mom will Review
Saying Quebecoises drink Pepsi is like saying African-Americans eat fried chicken and watermelon- except Quebecoises are kept english-illiterate by their fascist government and probably don't hang out on the AV Club. Does that make it okay?
You ARE excitable!
Upvoted for subtly alluding to these folk tugging at his… heart… strings.
"…a car trip make YOU cry, Chi-Chi."
I kneeded that.
Does your "Cookie Jar" give expressed verbal consent?
That has the cadence of a joke, but…
Tell me about the diacritical marks of your homeworld, Usul.
Yeah, go for it.
"Oh, I'm not a doctor."
You can bring a Horovitz, but you can't make her… blink?
….at the AV Club? You old-timers have some intricate society here.
Upvoted for that voiceless alveolar affricate.
…..well, that escalated quickly.
That's what i said.