The Chicken of Weal and Woe

the only thing pseudo about 'Weird' Al is the word "weird' , rendered impotent by those inverted commas.

you seem to be correct, and nominated, and seconded.

he has his uses. he;s on his way to Guantanamo II

Infinitely + a BILLION

i'm gonna gurp all over your mother, dude

and the taliban would never eat you, either

a lot of major tom references
a whole lotta shallow

i hate you of saying dat

all, and every?

to mock Steve Jackson, turn to page 342

oh, that's hot it is. Gotcha.

hee hee hee

because - unlike Hector Guimard - you are actually a cyborg.

Sanskrit, anyone?
She's managed to eke out a good mystery before.

wasn't it some chapter 16 puzzle, Too Late the heroes found out that Billy Reuben was a clever ruse, "bilirubin" being said to be the chemical that makes poop brown. So, Billy Reubuen Brown is doubly so.

yes, but more subtly.

Billy Reuben Brown makes me think of The Slence of the Lambs. Because it means poop.

…but lays fertile ground for your idea for West Coast Ghostbusters, don't it?

thus, the masturbation.

Owen Wilson - Jack Black = Baldwin#18 to the power of Makulay Kulkin