
Eh, I think he probably mistook the desire to possess her as love, to some degree, but I feel that very few characters in that universe actually love anybody else, and I don’t know that any of the few actually loving relationships in there are between romantic partners/spouses. Like, Ned clearly loved his kids (and

I agree with you on pretty much all of that. Hell, I got one of my conservative friends on Facebook, who probably voted for Trump, to share a post from Ijeoma Oluo the other day (albeit probably mostly because it was critical of Obama, but still, baby steps). But it’s relatively easy for me to engage with people like

Because her emails! And she’s a Clinton! And because various parties have muddied the waters so much that only a small percentage of the electorate even knew that her policy proposals were minimally different from Sanders’s—for example, even though I’m generally a fairly politically well-informed individual, I was

I think Bannon is for the little guy in the same way that Littlefinger loved Sansa.

The man’s like a human Pinterest fail: he tries so hard to look sophisticated, fails utterly, and then gets mad at the thing he was aping for his failure.

And not a one of them would ever stoop to requesting their steaks well-done with ketchup!

Yeah, I mean, sure, as a cis, het-passing, not-obviously-disabled, white woman from a pretty thoroughly middle-class, mainstream US cultural background, I have the luxury of being able to present myself in such a way that most “moderate Trump supporters” would probably listen to me (not to mention the luxury of not

What kind of stats, facts, or open dialogue are going to convince anyone who doesn’t already believe that people of color/women/Muslims/whatever are fully human and deserve human rights, that people of color/women/Muslims/whatever are fully human and deserve human rights?

Honestly, if you voted for Trump, you voted for Charlottesville, and if you didn’t realize that when you filled out your ballot, then I can only assume you had just woken up from a 30-year coma, found out it was Election Day, hurried to the polls to do your civic duty, and voted on the basis of a coin toss, because

Hi, I’m Thecheesegirl, Certified White Person. All white people are racist. Some of them just try harder than others not to be.

I saw a Tumblr post recently written by a college kid describing their experiences as the only black camp counselor at a rural summer camp when they were in high school. At one point, the counselors were all talking about their plans after graduation, and when the author mentioned that they were planning to go to

I do believe that racism exists and persists largely because it’s profitable, and if we somehow, despite ourselves, end up in a post-capitalist society that isn’t a nuclear hellhole that makes Mad Max look like My Little Pony, you’ll see racism slowly die out. But I strongly doubt that things’ll get to that point in

I don’t think any of them actually realize how evil they are (except for maybe Stephen Miller, fuckin’ Goebbels-looking motherfuck). It’s like the Dunning-Kruger effect, but for evil.

Ehh. I don’t know that that’s necessarily true. I mean, there was a lot of compromise that happened between the parties until relatively recently, and lawmakers of opposing parties were often quite friendly with one another in their personal lives (which I’ve read is not so much the case anymore). I think it’s mostly

Hey, now. Umbridge was an unflinchingly evil, soulless monster, but even though she was also installed in her position by an incompetent, but high-ranking, puppet of a nefarious cabal, she was at least qualified for the job!

What in God’s name is wrong with you?

Black privilege? What? I mean, full disclosure, I am an Officially Certified Incredibly White Person (as I mentioned in one of my other comments on this post, I am so pale, I glow faintly purple in bright sunlight because I actually reflect nearly all wavelengths of visible light, plus some of the lower frequencies of

 That’s... not how it works. At all. Privilege isn’t an all-or-nothing thing, and it doesn’t mean that all people with approximately the same degree of privilege will do equally well in their lives.

Also, nobody held a rally against women and then subsequently maimed and murdered feminists who dared protest it (not that they wouldn’t, but they didn’t), so yeah, let’s really not.

I think people of color have been saying it pretty much since forever, too, so let’s not go there.