
Forgive me for butting in, but, speaking as a survivor of emotional abuse that eventually escalated to an actual attempt to kill me (that was, fortunately, interrupted before he was able to inflict any major physical injury), I wouldn’t take him back if I were you, regardless of the kids.

God, I hope so.

Ugh. Poor thing. At least she didn’t stay stuck in the pattern of shitty relationship after shitty relationship, though; there’s definitely something to be said for just going “fuck it, if they’re all gonna treat me like shit, I’ll just be single.”

You know, intellectually, philosophically, I don’t condone violence as a form of punishment, but on an emotional level, I want to buy your dad a beer.

Starred for the sole reason that “hoboby” is incredibly fun to say out loud.

Not sure where the waistcoats fit into that, though...


I kind of hope they do, I feel like the series just needs to be put to sleep at this point.

My mom is fantastic; she’s sadly not very good at *self*-advocacy, and she’ll take a lot of abuse herself, but fuck with her kids and she’ll dig in her heels and do her damndest to make sure not only that things are set right, but that formal apologies are made and people feel ashamed of their poor behavior.

She has

I hope to make my son do that face for that reason one day. Although my drug stories aren’t really all that crazy, I guess; his dad’s the one who’d do literally anything you offered him that didn’t require shooting up (also I hope that idiot has the good sense to steer clear of meth, but I honestly think if he were

Poffertjes are fucking amazeballs, for real. I have literally never said “amazeballs” in my life before, but poffertjes deserve it. Also, those Dutch chocolate-dipped waffles with the little chunks of sugar inside, jesus christ.

To be fair, I get soooooooper high off one hit, maybe two, provided it’s good weed (which, y’know, I’m not disappointed in Kylie Jenner for smoking pot, but I really would be if, with her money and resources, she were smoking shitty dirt weed).

Good, I’m glad to hear you’re doing better! :-)

Also, of all the misdiagnoses I’ve heard of, PTSD for ADHD is a new one on me, although I guess it’d kind of make sense if the original trauma took place when you were really young. But speaking as someone with ADHD and some of the symptoms of, but not enough to actually

They fuck with your brain. I’m incredibly smart (I was in Mensa, even, until I stopped paying the dues), and at one point I found myself in a relationship with a guy who, after four years of manipulation, gaslighting, and occasional physical abuse, got fucked up on pills and tried to murder me. The thing is, it has

Abusive exes with gravestones are the best kind. Congrats.

Are you, by any chance, in North Carolina? I moved to NC from Texas to get away from my abusive ex, and when I found out you have to be separated for a year to get a divorce here, I was just like, “Are you kidding? In Texas, you only have to wait 30 days (which is waived if there’s a domestic abuse conviction, which

Oh my god, my heart just broke reading that. That’s awful.

For a minute there, I thought you were a friend of mine with a very similar story, right down to the PTSD, but he’s a couple years older than you. If it makes you feel any better, though, he’s doing reasonably well these days: making decent money, getting treatment for the PTSD (beyond “here’s some pills, I’ll see you

...but I did get it in Berlin! And then I found out you can buy them on the internet for half the price I paid, which is probably where the lady in with the stall at the Mauer Park flea market actually got hers.

Heh, I like that: if you don’t check your mail, a little Iranian kid is going to get SHOT BY A COP. And his parents are going to KILL THEMSELVES. Or possibly murder-suicide. So check your mail!