
We are OK with conservatives being accusers, we aren’t OK with stuff that was done a decade ago and repented for already being thrown out there as being equivalent of whatever shit the conservatives in question just did TODAY and ARE NOT THE LEAST BIT repentive over as their defense. Both Gunn and Harmon are being

Enough of this bullshit. Cernovich is playing you. Don’t let him. He doesn’t care about James Gunn or Dan Harmon or Michael Ian Black or any of the other people he’s trying to drag. He wants the #metoo movement to devour itself and he wants to defend trumpm

does not reflect the type of content we seek out.”

You show up to play chess and they knock the board on the floor, scream fake news, and claim you the loser.

so much this.

Raise your hand if you’re a lib who’s ever been owned by a conservative.

I have zero interest in this movie (b/c as noted, soooo white and that spelling of “Mamma” is only legitimate in Sweden), but I like reading ridiculous chat conversations. I’m glad I made it far enough for this truth gem to shine.


Paraphrasing Michael Harriot - I am not sad Clinton lost the election; I am still disturbed that Donald Trump was ever a viable candidate.

Reality check:

The President of the United States of America tweets in all caps.

Just shut Twitter down. It is not needed.

...why would anyone think this would be a good thing to communicate through Twitter.

lol, Melania’s ass is at Trump Tower, let’s be real for a moment.  They probably don’t even live in the same section of the White House when she’s in town.

That was my take as well. The wording used by the Iranian President was a bit dramatic but essentially true, a war with Iran would be catastrophic. Trump’s tweet is far more of an overt threat.

Where is Melania while he’s doing all this wild-ass tweeting? Can she not childproof his phone or something? Better yet, someone in the administration should change the password to his Twitter account ‘accidentally’. Good grief. And as someone else said, Jack Dorsey/Twitter is absolutely complicit at this point.

The thing is, you can disagree with the way Obama approached things, his individual policies, he’s somewhat cozy (or at least his sort of Netflix and Chill type) relationship with Wall Street, his abhorrent drone and immigration can take all of that, and he still would probably grade out as a solid