
We all saw The People VS Larry Flynt, and although this joke maybe not in our Taste at least in this country it is called Free Speech and humour. This Attention Whore / Actress and her PR team need to understand we all have the right to say what we like, as long as it is not fire in theatre or overtly hatefilled, IE

Considering the rockets are coming from Gaza a place where Israel dismantled its settlements your point is a little convoluted. Not that Israel is doing things right by building more settlements because that is certainly not helping. However firing rockets on women and children is unacceptable. Imagine if the Sioux

from the security vid you could see he wasn't "Drag Racing". I still think he should be locked up for bad music though! Click my link to debate who the dumbest Lambo driver really is.…

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355 for a street car is clearly one of the best of the last 20 years. That is correct!

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Ferrari F1V12, Case closed. Didn't win much on the track but in the world of sound nothing compares

I usually prefer coupes or cabs over targas but WTF that is nuts!

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They say imitation is sincerest form of flattery. I say this is like a bad remake of the original! The makers of this "remake" should feel the shame that Russell Brand now feels after re-making Arthur... I camped with the people who made the original, they are amazing artists.

As soon as i saw this I said wow this looks a lame version of the original. 4.7 million views and a year and a half goes by and now it's a new idea! They say imitation is sincerest form of flattery. I say this is like a bad remake of the original!

Press sources keep calling Roger Rodas "A Race Car driver" as if he was Micheal Schumacher. The fact is he was a weekend racer, and he was a wealth advisory at Merrill Lynch. Yes Roger had raced but he certainly could have been in over his head and going to fast. I'll wait for the final report. TMZ certainly has made

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Wow this is fun, never said Senna made a mistake only stated things can go wrong with the best driver in the world in a controlled environment you can take away what you want. Why do I feel like?...

The point things can go wrong at high speed. You are talking semantics, and I am talking about even on race tracks things go wrong, even with the best driver ever! Driving fast on a track is dangerous driving fast on a street is even more dangerous. Also Senna did not from steering failure he died as a result of

The whole story sucks and most probably they were going too fast thats it. If Senna the best F1 driver ever, can die on a track, then Roger Rodas a Merrill Lynch wealth advisor/Weekend racer could certainly make a mistake on the street. All the TMZ's of the world are doing is selling the speculation.

I stand corrected the fuel tank is not in the front but to speculate without knowing all the facts is not cool.

TMZ "also suspicious" the fire spreading from the front of the car, REALLY someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the fuel tank at the front on a Carrera GT? If the car has a huge impact in the front and the fuel is there guess what could happen.. FIRE! I hate to say it it but Elon Musk is correct, gas is

This story is starting to sound like 60 minutes and the Audi 5000. People with fat feet claiming they were on the brake not the gas. Jalopnik you are better than this, 150K Auto fires a year in the US alone and we are getting running reports of 3 fires!…

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Montreal YUL should be on this list just for the fact that the main interchange there has been under construction for years, and will take many years more to complete. Think about that for a minute, in the time it has taken LA to widen the 405 which meant literally moving mountains, the main interchange at Montreal

Williams Camel or Rothmans?

Early Adrian Newey design, love the green.