Maybe the refs stepped in cat shit, and he was just telling them they had a “poo toe”?
Maybe the refs stepped in cat shit, and he was just telling them they had a “poo toe”?
“As always, never trust a man wearing transition lenses.”
Can he get suspended, retire, then come back next year as a FA?
I’m 9 months late, but shout-out to Wawa’s turkey sausage, egg white and cheese (available on a bagel or, if you love life more than you fear heart disease, a croissant). It was a staple for all the years I lived in Philly l, and is as good as anything Dunkin’s can make, plus it’s pre-made and “kosher style” for those…
So Santander...BANKED it?
He’s the Tom Brady of meaningless exhibition games, that’s for sure.
When Ross does his whiny voice and moans “Rachel!” my spine reverses itself.
Yeah, if there’s one thing an ex-rugby player would do *really well* by comparison, it’s take care of the ball.
The chain of Traditionally Handsome but Only Mildly Funny at Best White Guys You Forgot Were on SNL is generations long, my friend.
There’s no “for the good of the league” interest at work in most pro sports, only the good of the individual owners. Owners want the biggest headline number possible in franchise sales, bc in theory it props up the value of their own franchises, which is their overriding concern (if *you* sank a billion dollars into…
Good to see Jim Breuer still not getting work.
I maintain the only reason LA hasn’t already run Garcetti and Wassermann to the city limits on a rail is because the LA City limits are wayyyy confusing.
Stockholm Syndrome with announcers is real. I grew up listening to an eventual Hall of Fame baseball announcer (now deceased, may he Rest In Peace). A fine announcer, great ability to convey excitement when he had to, worshipped in my hometown to this day, but in hindsight he was really saccharine and had like no…
Would you settle for “Just a Juggalo”? Because we all know that’s where this is heading.
All I know is, I didn’t go across the goddamned ocean to kick Fascism’s ass, just to come home and see public events where even one person doesn’t do the prescribed mass display of patriotism exactly the way I think they should.
An inspired line of invective beats a string of cuss-words most days. Derisively calling someone “you Muppet” is so effective. I’ve also started using “you dunce” as a nice contrast to “moron” “fucking idiot” etc. The other day, the key card to my office wouldn’t work after several swipes, and I just hissed out “you…
1) “How long does it take for true old man/dad mentality start?”
Sailboats mostly, and then briefly.a cabin cruiser.