
1) Wrapping up a 2 week vacation in Thailand was a complicated affair, so I booked everything carefully: a ferry from the island I was visiting back to the mainland, then a bus to Bangkok, stay in a hotel overnight, taxi to the airport next morning, fly home. Everything goes according to plan, I get to the airport,

You misspelled "Sid Crosby" 

Jim? Jim... Anchower?

“Imagine in Crypt Keeper voice” helps with both grandpa and poop stories. 

A: Laker fans. 

Uh, pretty sure those are all porn moves already. 

The Delia Smith How To Cook method is a slightly different variant that works really well for me. Basically you wash, poke, oil, *salt* the oily skin, and then bake. For whatever reason (perhaps the salt draws water out of the skin to evaporate) the result is smooth middles and deliciously crispy salty skins. YMMV.

It’s a shame Gundy’s being evasive, he always struck me as a real Mr. Business Up Front.

It’s hard to find peace in the era of Constant Comment.

Mmmm.... Gritty fatigue.

Has anything gone from nightmare fuel kill-it-with-fire pariah to universally beloved as fast as Gritty? 

“Is anyone making that argument?”

Have the "We've got Big Cox, yes we do" chants started? is a super basic online text editor. Extremely useful if the IT dept in your workplace (I work in a hospital) has not installed Word, Notepad etc and restricted your access to Google Docs and similar sites.

Chris, Chris, Chris. This pretending there’s an entity called “The League” which has to look out for the bests interests of the collective teams/ sport is, quite frankly, beneath you. The League is a confederation of billionaires looking to maximize the value of their dozens of individual billion-dollar investments.

Even worse: what depraved parents would let a twelve-year-old use Kinja?

sports was the one place where we could all go to escape the partisan rancor afflicting our country elsewhere.”

As I write this, the Mariners have a better win % than the Dodgers, and are *8 games* out of playoff contention.