
“Iiiiiiiiii’m sorry... the answer we were looking for is: Suzuki SX4. “

1) Even the best coinops suds can be foiled by brakedust and wheel grime, but 3rd party wheel cleaner sprays (even the large bottle I got at a dollar store) work wonders. Spray it on, let it soak while you add quarters or do whatever, and often just a blast with plain water will rinse them totally clean.

Somewhat related, I bought a pre-owned Mazda 3, which turned out to have a long scratch along one of the doors the reseller covered with touch up paint. It’s now starting to weep rust. Suggestions?

Jason, I urge you to make friends with this site pronto:

What was up with the Russian player shoving that Uruguayan behind the wall on the first goal? 

I really enjoyed the refreshingly straight, insightful, un-sour profile they did of one team recently, and was shocked to learn it was by Billy.


Barry, that can’t be Ichiro - Ichiro doesn’t have a mustache.

Wow. Yeah, that’s really a shame. Mazda’s have such a (deservedly*) good reputation as driver’s cars, I could see them taking some market share away from Subaru et al. It’s like they’re leaving money on the table (though the CX cars, especially the new small one, seem to be aimed at this segment as well.

Is Mike Bibby elite?

Wow, Billy, you cursed them just in the nick of time!

Boy do I love convertibles. What’s a good convertible on the used market these days? ps I have 3 small children (2 in boosters, one in a car seat) and yes, I’ve given the Murano a serious look).

“John Kelly said the separation policy could be a deterrent. Stephen Miller described the separations as a “policy.” Kirstjen Nielsen says it is not a policy and is not a deterrent.”

Somebody (SNL?) a few years ago compiled a video of dozens of golfers missing putts over and over and over, commentating like it was a straight broadcast of a tournament. It was pretty funny IIRC.

“The good thing about the Kings’ present position is that there’s a consensus top-two in this draft. “

“There’s two sides to every story and I would love to tell mine,” Gruber said.

“They call me The Porcupine because if you get too close, I’ll hurt you! “