I do aim to impress. :)
I do aim to impress. :)
Richard Fairbrass did the theme song? Wasn’t he in Right Said Fred, one-hit wonders famous for “I’m Too Sexy”? (too lazy to Google) .
He’s clearly doing everything in his power to look youthful (“Caesar cut” to avoid the Old Paisan Slickback, he also has a crease in front of his ears - a classic sign of a facelift) , so hiding a wrinkled neck fits.
“... replied Fat Elvis.”
It totally works, the PB adds salty, earthy flavor to the bacon, the tomato just cuts it with tangy juicy sweetness.
Okay. I guess people who shun mayo really do shun it in all forms. FWIW, a friend turned me onto BLTs with peanut butter (this may have been one of Elvis’ favorites, I can’t recall) and it’s actually pretty good.
One question:
My eternal question: if you despise mayonnaise, do you just not eat BLTs, or tuna/ chicken salad sandwiches? Life without these seems unthinkable to me.
Do not ignore chest pain, ever. Especially if you’re a woman, minority or diabetic. Go to the ED. They may eye roll you, but it’s worth knowing if something serious is happening.
“Those collars are exactly the right size.”
Sure hope the cops can...collar this perp.
Just... no.
FWIW the most fastidious anal-retentive snobby home brewer I know says the brew masters at big companies like A-B are the best in the world because achieving that level of consistency at that massive a scale is unbelievably hard.
I’ve never seen it (seems excessive to take the rims down EVERY EVENING) , though there is an on-site office with 1-2 staff there most days.
Hey Dan: I’m at 7th & Lombard, and my kids go to Seger daily. No idea you lived near me - if I see you, I’ll say hi.
“ Not only does being right not get you any points with your bosses, it oftentimes can hurt your career because the very sight of your face reminds them of the time that they were wrong about something, and the manbabies who run these companies can’t handle that. So they tend to purge people who ever dare to…
Gordonkrantz and Hardenstern are Dead.
MJ: greatest guard of all time.