
Just like U2, or Springsteen , the Chilis found a unique schtick, and had their greatest success continuing to refine that schtick (you know, that song that goes “dubba-dub-dang-dee-dang-duh-dong-ding-dong”). When they strayed from it too far (One Hot Minute, Zooropa, The Ghost of Tom Joad/ Darkness on the Edge of

Arcade Fire is the U2 of our era.

Wow. That last pass was an INT from the moment Savage even thought about attempting the throw. No QB on Earth completes that pass. Holeeeeshit.

That Marvin Bagley is a heckuva player though.

Not bad! And I love a good AD reference.

So my wife and I tried the Leesa, one of the best reviewed of this new generation of memory foam mattress, and both felt it was too giving/soft (no joke, it was like laying on a giant sheet cake). Are any of them firmer?

So my wife and I tried the Leesa, one of the best reviewed of this new generation of memory foam mattress, and both

sigh...use it well

When it was time for me to choose a Kinda handle, it came down to ^^this^^ or “The George Michael (Water) Sports Machine.”


Again we must ask: has anyone seen Dwight Howard and Bobby Bowfinger in the same room?

I have a 40 mile commute to work in South Jersey through mostly rural forested area, and am terrified of coming home at 5:00 AM on icy roads - the highways are full of big rigs doing 85 who DNGAF, not to mention deer, giant woodchucks, etc. My current tires are starting to wear down, and with 4.5 months/ 7200 miles of

“I was informed coming off the field that I am no longer to coach of Arkansas. Never had this happen to me in my life so this is new for me.”

To be fair, let’s remember the Sixers didn’t really want Okafor either, they were expecting Russell at that slot (thanks, Lakers). Still, you have to wonder if just trading him on draft day wasn’t the best move, given that they already had two bigs in front of him in the rotation and he was unlikely to increase his

Lonzo’s just over hyped. His court vision and passing are top-tier, but his game needs so much work (finishing, shooting, defending better than a pylon) everyone knew this, and should have known he wasn’t going to be an instant-impact rookie like Magic, MJ or LeBron.

Can we get a dedicated piece on Clay Travis’ time at Deadspin, like an oral history? It keeps getting mentioned, but I have no recollection of it - and I’ve been a solid B/B- commenter on this site for several years.

Miati [mee-ahh-tee]!

Trump’s lawyer: “Donald, I have bad news: they found the pee tape.”

Q: Why is the speed limit for sex 68?

“Keurig-smashing for Sean Hannity’s 1st Amendment right to defend child molesting Senate candidates” is a late contender. Even better, Hannity basically backed off his stance (several more sponsors cancelled, coincidentally) less than 24 hours after Keurig-smash memified.
