
Meanwhile, here is the driver.

Gotta love it.



I do think so.

“Ooh that’s gonna be awesome”

True, the Viper was one of the most challenging cars in that game.

Most of the American cars really liked to slide, perhaps people didn’t know how to drive them....

That’s right, slow and hard to steer. But I still remember the car!

How can you not love it.

I like the fact that it doesn’t look as perfect as a DB9. Frosted Glass with black accents for me, please.

At least make it look good.

GTI has been boring for years, Beetle is good looking but just too expensive.

How can you be revolutionary if you are going to make the (almost) same thing again?

True, you can hardly see that they raised the roof from the front.

The raised roof looks so ugly.

Wedge shape cars are back. I think it looks amazing.

€325000, automatic is €330000.