
Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh.

Sorry Gizmodo, but you guys don't get to be on a high horse after earlier this year when you bought a stolen prototype iphone 4 and then proceeded to cry about it when Apple wouldn't invite you to Mac World. Not only that you had to beg the exact same readers you are calling autistic, to provide news of the event

Wow, Christofero caught holy hell for doing less and Gizmodo was leading the angry mob...

I thought I was the only one that had the Matt Mason toy...

Actually, people like me DID want a sequel after the dev`s comment that they cut enough material out to almost make a separate game. The sequel brings all the good stuff that we missed in the original. Plus, time travel!

Right here, buddy. I hated 13 and took it back after playing for about 20 hours. Then, after seeing promos and previews of 13-2, I went and bought it again and pre-ordered 13-2. Playing 13 again, I`m wondering why I hated it in the first place. They tried something different, but it`s still a Final Fantasy game.

I just watched it and liked it, whereas Lost bored me to tears. Another Falling Skies-type review, I see. "It sucks now, maybe it`ll get better, but I doubt it". How about giving it a chance, yes?

Or many other websites, come to think of it.

If this was Kotaku no one could picture a clitoris, (the male readers, I mean). Lol.

Since I`ve never used GameFly, I have a question. Could the fact that Skyrim is a huge, long game have something to do with it vis-a-vis renting it for a limited amount of time?

So, no explanation about how the house keeps souls in it if they die on the property? No real resolution about the Infantata? No clue who the baby`s father is since he`s apparently the anti-christ? No explanation about why the ghosts have a physical form and can interact with people and objects?

I turn it on and the game is already highlighted. I push one button and I`m playing. What`s the big deal, anyway? Ads? I don`t even see them in that brief second.

Idiot is idiot...

Kim Stanley Robinson already has this covered.

After 186 hours of great gameplay, (and still going!), it was well worth pre-ordering and paying full-price. Unlike Fallout New Vegas...

It`s PORED, damn it!

It comes from a quote, of course: "Per Aspera Ad Astra", roughly translated as, "Through adversity to the stars." Attributed to Herman Hesse. Also, "Per Ardua Ad Astra" and more.

I had that problem with running Morrowind on my 360 which had to emulate, of course. I simply do now what I did then, delete all but the last three saves and clear the system memory cache. Are you saying that you`re too incompetent to do that or that the overrated PS3 doesn`t have that ability? (Btw, you`re still a

"...more of what we love as Star Trek fans." So they`re NOT making the sequel?

"Really not that successful..." What? Do you even realize the cult status these games have? The last time I saw Ico at Gamestop it was still $30 and that was earlier this year! I mentioned it to the clerk and he freaked, asked me if I was going to buy it. When I replied that I couldn`t afford it right then he