
Right? I’m really trying to think of a scene in Stranger Things that shows focuses on someone smoking and portrays it in anything close to a positive light. It’s either 1. a sign of not having your shit together (like Hopper and Joyce) 2. a sign of cliche teen rebellion that is called out for being cliche (like Steve

Steve has a cigarette tucked behind his ear at the pool party, and he and Tommy H smoke cigars, I think? But even in that scene it is very obvious that they are trying to be “cool” and “rebellious” and not really managing to pull it off. 

At the pool party Steve has a cigarette tucked behind his ear, and I think either he or Tommy H breaks out some cigars? I actually thought that having them smoke in that scene, where Jonathan taking the pictures highlights how much of an act it all is, was pretty brilliant.

Stranger Things hardly glamorizes smoking. The two main people that do it are Hopper and Joyce, and it is very evident that they do it out of stress. It’s shown in the same light that Hopper guzzling beer and pills and Joyce being a little unhinged is. No one would ever watch those characters smoke and think “oh yea,

Also, Stranger Things hardly glamorizes smoking. The two main people that do it are Hopper and Joyce, and it is very evident that they do it out of stress. It’s shown in the same light that Hopper guzzling beer and pills and Joyce being a little unhinged is. No one would ever watch those characters smoke and think “oh

Seriously, Joe Biden has a long history of not-great policies (busing, Iraq, and the crime bill, just to start), Kamala Harris wanted to lock parents up for truant kids and supported laws that endangered sex workers, half the candidates have no plans and are only running so they can get a job on CNN and Warren...

It makes perfect sense if you don’t consider the poor to be people.

Also from a military point of view... it’s a really, really bad idea to roll tanks down civilian roads if you want to, you know, be able to use them again. There is a reason that tanks on post either use tank trails (normally hard-packed dirt roads that run alongside the main road) or special wheeled transport (HETs)

I like a Warren/Castro ticket right now. I hadn’t heard all that much about him before, but I was super impressed by him at the debate. I think he’d make a great VP. 

I’ve said from the beginning that the problem for Biden and Bernie is that they both have 100% name recognition, and there is kind of nowhere to go but down for them. Now, maybe one of them will win the nom, I don’t know. But anyone who is going to support them probably already does, and to me that leaves them

Marianne Williamson is like my aunt who sells crystals and gets super drunk at family events.

The problem with being rich and talented at one specific thing is that no one ever tells you to your face when you suck at something. Like, no one in Kayne’s life is ever going to be like “I love you, man, but you really need to stop producing costumes for the extras in a scene set on Tatooine.” Everyone is just going

Seriously, they should have either had Joy Ann Reid be co-host with Rachel or just let Maddow do it on her own. Chuck Todd always acts like he’s trying to pitch his tight five no matter what the situation is. He needed to shut the hell up. 

That explains so much. 

I mean, I guess if you are going to have literally only one policy the entire night, you might as well pick one of the most universally unpopular policies in America. 

What the hell is wrong with people?!

Also, how cruel to do you have to be for your first reaction to be “ugh a homeless person is sleeping here” and not “oh shit, I hope that person is ok?” it literally never occurred to this woman to be concerned for his well-being in any way, shape, or form.

I really wish the moderators would just pick 2-3 topics per debate and let the candidates deep dive into them. I don’t need to hear all 10 people take 5 minutes to say “climate change is bad.” Cut out the rest of the topics and let them talk about what exactly their plans are for climate change instead of spitting

I don’t know why they are constantly putting him next to Rachel Maddow, either, because the comparison does not do flattering things for him. 

Yea, but he isn’t even good at that! I mean, I would understand if he was a right-leaning but very charismatic person with a good screen presence who could do the bullshit “fair and balanced” thing. Instead it always feels like their first string anchor died 5 second before the show went to air and Chuck Todd just