The Brown Dahlia

Please. She was a typical racist old white bitch. Just cause she reminded Wypipo of their grammy gram doesn’t make her not so.


You’re not an ally. You just proved it.

No, they aren’t. Race drives inequality completely.

Let’s all take some time to remember who wrote this:

Voter suppression are two words you never heard before?

That means, not doing this:

You care about our history? Start acting like it. That means, shelving your petty concerns because they don’t matter no more in this white supremacist world, and working to focus on issues affecting POC. Because your history no longer has any effect in America. You are white. White on white European crime history has

I will be interested in your white-on-white violence narrative of - “We were slaves too, oh no pogroms, well, you know how Italians were treated in 1900 blah blah blah...

I do. And Wypipo call me a thug, because the white media either ignores BLM or lies about it. And any attempts we make to change the conversation get met with the rage and refusal to listen of people who don’t want to admit that they have spent their lives benefiting from the sale, rape, and destruction - genocide, in

53% again. What is it with you people? Some kind of lucky number?

Taylor Swift’s ‘success’ is built on her Ur-Beckiness, (She’s the far-rights poster girl, remember) and it would be impossible for any Black or Brown woman to succeed in America if they were as mediocre as she is.

I see it.

Ok, substitute ‘unknown’ for ‘not cared about’ - (have you seen the faces on our money?), and then ask yourself: When do we have the chance to even mention different tragedies, given that White America only cares about the ones that happened to them. Meaning it’s the best time to interject. Don’t like it? Don’t be it.

15 million Black people died during the industrialized system of slavery.

Yes, but we make the Nazi comparisons because we’re afraid of what’s going to happen to us, knowing that whites are not going to kill other whites again.

That’s the conversation you want to have. It doesn’t mean it’s the one we’re having.