The Brown Dahlia

Your ‘facts’ are a collection of White supremacist talking points, whatabouteries, and bothsideism. It’s impossible for me to talk to you too, colonizer.

Okay. My map shows Arabs being cleansed rather than Palestinians. Now that we’ve got the semantics right, look at the map again. And tell me this isn’t another White supremacist cleansing.

We don’t make too many mistakes around here.

For months. And who starred his ‘joke’?

I think he just hates us.

Four years. How long would it take if these weren’t Black children?

Just because it’s slow, doesn’t mean it’s not real.


Fuck off

Fuck off.

“Please, please, we’re BEGGING you, just stop resisting, so we won’t have to shoot.”

Since January 2005, when the conflict began to change dramatically, it has killed 4,006 people, of whom 168 have been Israeli and 3,838 Palestinian. That means that, since January 2005, only four percent of those killed have been Israeli, and 96 percent Palestinian. Since January 2005, in other words, the conflict

Since January 2005, when the conflict began to change dramatically, it has killed 4,006 people, of whom 168 have been Israeli and 3,838 Palestinian. That means that, since January 2005, only four percent of those killed have been Israeli, and 96 percent Palestinian. Since January 2005, in other words, the conflict

I’m sure the ANC bears absolutely no responsibility with...

You’re right. I forgot about how America still occupies Germany, Japan, Italy...

On both sides right?

Not really an oversimplification now is it?

Hallmark theologians.

MLK didn’t give his life, it was taken from him, by the same White supremacy that you’re trying to deflect from here.

You don’t think you’re getting your cause and effect a little tangled up there?