Dikachu get summoned every time someone mentions the crossover.
Dikachu get summoned every time someone mentions the crossover.
Or he wants to watch as Alana and Margot bang. Can't blame him.
Next romantic Katherine Heigl comedy: Her character comes out as trans and begins his transition!
Can you not use the "c"-word please? It makes me uncomfortable since it reminds me that my race used to own people. :( As someone with all of the privilege in the world due to my skin complexion and who will likely face no real racial discrimination, it really oppresses me!
Note: I haven't actually read these books. I'm trying to make the article author's point to challenge yours, as he addressed your concern in the article itself.
The narrative supports his viewpoint. It's not like "A Clockwork Orange" where the main character was clearly meant to be a psychopath whom you weren't meant to sympathize with. The main character was meant to be a mouthpiece for Anthony's ideas, otherwise the narrative wouldn't support Bink.
Lanky Kong had better be a part of it.
If anyone here hasn't seen the original, this video should sum it up enough. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
If only the critics looked at the first four episodes instead. The reviews might have been way better.
That is the song used in the montage, yes.
That's a great episode, but I think you forgot that this is the same year "Jailbreak" came out.
No, you were not. I mostly sang along in the most obnoxious voice possible because it reminded me of that He-Man video. I regret nothing. :3
http://www.drchristinemcgin… This should help.
I'd like to nominate "What's Going On?" from Sense8. That's the episode that pulled the show from "kinda ok" to "fantastic". The direction, the flow of the montage to "What's Up", the acting seen as the characters became fully connected, it's just a damn amazing piece of television.
This is guaranteed to ruin the song for you forever. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
No prob, bob.
Dude, don't slutshame.
O should've definitely been "Ozai", the Fire Lord from "Avatar: The Last Airbender". I mean, that fucker constantly belittled his son, agreed to have his son killed after making a deal with his own dad (only to be thwarted after said granddaddy's murder), burned his son's face for speaking out of turn and then…
All of the Gladiator Ghosts in Adventure Time were gay, according to one of the art directors.
The Gems are formed in whichever way they want. I guess Pearl just didn't feel like having boobs while Rose did. And all of the gems we've met so far just have feminine identities and represent their human forms as women I guess? Who knows. There might be dude gems out there (probably not).