
I'm okay with that. The last time they did a Terminator movie without Arnie, it only did okay. Genisys did a lot better for the budget it had, but it still failed to crack the $500 million point.

I'm fine with that. They've mostly done a good job with the series, but the past two seasons have felt more and more like they're checking off plot points in terms of storytelling. I'd like to see a different show-runner handle a prequel series (be it Dunk & Egg or some other prequel).

Eh, how many people use Tinder and would react to this by thinking, "Ah man, there goes my chance at accidentally having a celebrity pop-up!" If the celebrities want a special sub-section where they can tinder for only each other except when they feel like "slumming it", that's fine.

Not exactly how I imagined Marwyn the Mage, but Broadbent's a good actor.

Holy shit are those planets packed in close together. Orbital separations of 616,500 kilometers, 867,000 kilometers - given that these are all Earth-sized or larger they'd be enormous in the skies of these worlds when they pass close.

Did they really have to film it in the middle of winter? I thought they could use CGI to create a winter-y environment (they already do that for the Wall).

Evans was actually stumping for the live-action Beauty And The Beast movie he currently stars in,

The wings are good? Damn, the Hooters nearest here just closed a while back before I ever got to try them. That sucks.

I'm down with Don being dead of a heart attack in 1979, or dying of liver disease in a hospital bed in 1982. Sally might be sad, but she and Bobby 12 could wipe their tears with giant wads of money.

That would make it six years since the last one. It's . . . a long wait, but not horrible. When you consider that each one of these books is an 1100-page beast, it's almost more like you're getting two 500-page books every three years.

It wouldn't be the first time Lloyd-Webber made a bad decision about music in his latter years.

Further, there is a massive “value grab” as some of these corporations
weaken intellectual property rights for America’s creators by exploiting
legal loopholes never intended for them

RDJ got his profit-sharing contract in place before Marvel brought in his cheaper potential character type replacement (Ant-Man - tell me they wouldn't have Rudd be The Tony in these movies if RDJ left).

Yep. "Gol-darnit" and stuff like that.

He was always on the side of the robots, just as the show itself has always been;

Peng said the earliest versions of General Tso’s chicken tasted typically Hunanese—“heavy, sour, hot, and salty,” as he told food writer Fuchsia Dunlop.

Despite offering a variety of flavors, including orange cranberry and
barbecue nut, NASA is still worried the bars may “lower crew morale,”

Good. I mean, if you're going to adapt a story centered on Singing Harry Potter Kvothe, you might as well make it a musical. Hopefully the endings will be a bit snappier than in the books as well.

Evan Rachel Wood supposedly described the finale as "heart-breaking", so I wouldn't be surprised if the Robot Rebellion gets crushed and Maeve gets beaten (again). I mean, it's not like they're going to have her outside in whatever futuristic world exists outside of the park, right?

Unless Ford backed him up in a different server.