
Yep, several episodes of Varys messing around in Dorne.

I have no idea what they're planning for Sam & Gilly. In the books it's becoming a little more obvious that Sam is going to find out something important about the Others/magic/dragons/whatever at the Citadel, and then get out of Oldtown before Euron shows up and gives it the Hardhome treatment (read the Aeron spoiler

I thought they'd already said that was what they were planning to do - a split with 7 episodes in Season 7 and another 6-7 in season 8. They're certainly more than happy to extend the series, given that reports were that HBO wanted more episodes but the show-runners wanted to end it after Season 7.

Woooh Cyborg-Archer! Battle through the fucking streets of LA with Barry! You know it's coming! ("Phrasing!")

GoT Con?

RIP Rickon, we hardly knew thee.

Good. I'm glad that Warcraft failed domestically, because it was a terrible movie - a handful of compelling bits and pieces (all involving the Orcs) amidst a greater movie that wasn't even so bad it's good. You have to actually enjoy a movie for it to be "so bad it's good".

1. The weirdest thing for me was how they ended the Mereen storyline in this episode. Daenerys shows up to relieve them, it's okay - and then they immediately cut away, robbing it of all tension. What the hell? No dragons getting loose and wreaking havok on the invaders? No time for the moment to sink it?

Knowing Littlefinger, he has a specific kind of "reward" in mind. Although the show kind of laid off the "creepy littlefinger" thing last season, since presumably Creepy Book Littlefinger would never send off Sansa to marry someone where she might be out of his reach.

I know you're joking, but it actually is a huge surprise that the new Star Wars film didn't make a billion dollars worldwide. I figured it was more of a shoe-in for that than even a new Marvel film.

So Blanchett would be the Rusty? I dunno. I feel like she should be the Saul.

Hamm has the look, but he's almost too dignified to play Archer. I can't see him being that totally juvenile and petulant. Plus he's getting a bit old for the role - Hamm's 45 and Archer is, what, 35 years old continuously?

Good. Harrington has mostly replaced how I imagined Jon Snow from the books when I tried to visualize him mentally, except for the beard - my mental image of Jon Snow always had him clean-shaven or at best slightly stubble. Now that's not a problem anymore.

THIS. This is, what, the fifth time that Krieger has done the stupid "Planet of the Apes" ending howl? It wasn't that funny the first time, never mind the 5th.

Cyborg-Archer may have wanted to kill Real-Archer and steal his place. Or at least it seemed like that to me. He set him up.

I think Real-Archer was planning for the gun to have no bullets, but wanted to lure Veronica Dean into trying to kill him with it while Cyborg-Archer. Except that Cyborg-Archer was pretty clearly ready to step into Real-Archer's shoes before the malfunction, and may have set him up to be shot for real.

Cyborg-on-Cyborg duel for the win!

I think at this point, nothing Krieger does surprises them. Hell, I think that could actually explain why Archer ended up being shot at the end for real - he never thought that the cyborg might be a threat to him, or set up him to be killed.

I'd be down with that. I want to get rid of the whole "his name is really James Bond" thing from Skyfall, and go back to the theory that it's a code name like "007".