The Boy Who Shot Wolves

I'm thinking more that maybe it was the sore throat that made her not do Liza since she can't go BIG and opted for a quieter character in Diana Vreeland.

Ok, werk.


Metropolitan Bar. It was completely packed this week that they had to stop admitting people in. More people than usual this week cause most wanted to confirm the T that Acid would be going home this week and just how bad it would be.


According to Thorgy, they really wanted a Team NYC top 3. She felt bad when Acid was leaving but Bob was sobbing. :(

They can't do Vogue again since they already used it for the season 4 Snatch Game.

They're given an e-mail that includes a list of possible runway themes when they get cast. Check out Laila's instagram, she posted her Like a Virgin Madonna look.

She's Filipino like Jiggly and Manila.

I honestly believe Drag Race and Untucked have different editors when stuff like this happens.

The makeup challenge with Joslyn, the makeover challenge or the Glitter Ball. I thought it was a disservice to Courtney to never let her lipsynch at least once because she's billed more as a performer more than anything else. Sometimes a lipsynch for your life is that kick in the ass or defining moment that can make a

You forgot Phi Phi as Lady Gaga.

Violet said during her season 8 episode 1 live commentary with Raja that she was always ready to lipsynch and had an outfit underneath the circus tent she was wearing and really wanted to send Pearl and Fame home.

Sharon said before that all the stuff she wore on the runway was from thrift stores. Knowing when to wear what and being able to sell the story of the look goes a long way!

Watch Untucked to hear Michelle's full speech and your opinion may change.

Adore stated before that she didn't bring a lot of clothes because she never thought she'd get that far. Madness!

If ever there was a reason to justify having a three-way lipsynch for your life….

You just reminded me how Willam dragged Madame LaQueer to a win with that bank robber blue dye idea.

Instead of getting this out immediately, you should really watch Untucked before writing this review cause you only get half the story like Michelle's complete speech to Chi Chi as they only showed the blunt bits. Agree with you on Bob's issues with Lucian's "advice" though.

Instead of the Shade Tree, Beat Naysha with a Dirty Broom should be an option for venting.