The Boy Who Shot Wolves

American Horror Story should go back to being a mini-series, a four hour one.

Only two episodes left and I can't see what the end game is of this season, usually by episode 9, this show has already run out of steam and episodes 10-12 are padding.

Loved the Attack on Titan vibe. Plus, FALKOR! :D

Check out April's audition video on Youtube. Her Kim wasn't going to be a loud personality but had a composed intelligence with how she'd deliver her Snatch Game responses.

At the end of the day I can't help but feel underwhelmed by the season in general. Everything was going so well up to the Scream Queens challenge, episode 4 onwards had questionable eliminations and lackluster lip synch choices.

Alyssa's face during Laganja's segment was all, "fish, stop directing attention that we're related."

Alaska said before that if All-Stars does become pairs again, she wants to "dominatrix" the competition with…… Mystique.

My ideal top 3 would have been Adore, Bianca and Trinity. Bianca who personifies Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent; Adore who is overflowing with Charisma and Uniqueness but needs more Nerve in order to nurture her Talent; and then Trinity who has Uniqueness and Talent in spades but needs more Nerve to allow her

Did anyone else get Jade Jolie with Darienne's Banjie girl look?

I've got this sinking feeling that they're going to boot Bianca next and give her the also coveted 4th place sashay just to clear the way for an Adore win and get the headline of former American Idol contestant now America's Next Drag Superstar. I'm for an Adore win, that IT factor plus her journey on the show has me

Definitely a set up, like Milk getting served to Trinity in order to get booted cause she had no issues with the remaining girls for the Glamazon challenge.

A bikini of every color in the rainbow!

The makeover challenge only seems to be good on odd-numbered seasons.

Joslyn's got the personality to do well but her runways were always going to instill that, "maybe not this week…" thought in Ru. It was so obvious it'd be Joslyn's time to go given the challenge. Imagine if she had gone home instead last time; Trinity could have gotten her first win this week!

Ru can't criticize Bianca's runway looks cause you know Ru would love to wear those too. Haha

Wait, let's give Trinity her due, she sucked hard for FOUR challenges. She was all right in the sewing challenge and got a pretty good final product in the Scream Queens challenge in spite of her frustrations.

Adore has this quality people in the biz call "IT." I love Bianca and Dela but if we're gonna talk about the NEXT Drag Superstar, I think Adore has the most upswing whereas Bianca and Dela seem pretty set in their style and personas.

I'd watch Adore and Laganja in their mean girl characters hawking stuff QVC style whatever they've got over at the WOW shopping network.

I expected the same, kinda like a Drag U sendoff.

Surprised how bitter Princess went and seemed disinterested during the reunion. Pity cause I think she had some of the most vivid drag on her season.