
LMAO get bent dipshit

Lololol picked a great time to buy a Challenger Scat Pack oh fucking well

LMAO shut the fuck up nerd

Holy fuckin shit you’re dumb son.

Awwww did someone hurt the widdle fashies feewings?

LMAO mad nerd is mad

Cue fucking nerds doing cope in the comments because someone ended up not liking Daddy Elon's Genius Invention enough.

LMAO imagine being this fucking stupid and feeling the need to post proof of it in the internet.

*Cough* one of *Cough*

LMAO get bent dipshit

LMAO shut the fuck up nerd

TFW you can't pick a side because both parties are bad

I don’t what’s worse, Biden's woefully inadequate bill or the fact it's a trillion dollars more than the other shitheads would have passed.

LMAO eat shit

Oh well good for fuckin you for sticking around when you caused a horrific accident that killed four people.

Sounds like a pretty cool guy to me nerd

Your commitment to ensuring everyone in these comments knows how big your brain is is commendable, bravo.

LMAO fuck off bootlicker

LMAO shut the fuck up bootlicker

Reactionaries love to fantasize about vehicular homicide and many Republican run states have moved to make it legal to run over protestors and then claim self defense.