
Shut the fuck up bootlicker

Deadspin forever.

LOL let’s see how all your little self-congratulatory back-patting and jerkoff nonsense about how you made it all by yourself works out for you when you get hit by a bus.

How brave of Barack Obama to spout right wing talking points and condemn something only shithead conservatives with a persecution complex believe exists.

this strikes me as another example of promoting consumer-level incentives over regulating large-scale polluters

Most weeks, to be fair, but this week is particularly egregious.

Can’t shitbag Bernie down to tenth without all the other wannabes. 

Taping legs definitely sounds infinitely more convenient and less painful than putting on a pair of socks, good call.

Please tell me we’re getting the Kevin Sorbo vs. Antifa movie reviewed this week

Eagerly looking forward to reading all the comments from people whose lives won’t be impacted by this trashing the people whose lives will be impacted by this. Thanks for bringing light to this though, I know whose side I’m on.

Yeah dawg, there’s absolutely NO DIFFERENCE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM between a professional football game and a race. NONE AT ALL.

Dammit I’m buried with work and personal shit and swore not to buy any new titles until I caught up on my backlog but I think I’m gonna have to break my promise after reading this.

Personally, Bernie reminds me of all the male “lefties” I met in college: white guys who, unlike me, never protested or sued the administration or engaged in any detailed, ongoing, hard way with the demanding labor of revolution - but who, at parties, always denigrated my politics as somehow “not left enough.”

Basically saying “please let me buy a car from you” and the dealer saying “nah.” Fuckin insane.


LMAO shut the fuck up weeb

LOL It’s not my problem your reading comprehension is dog shit, bootlicker.

Sure you don’t bootlicker.

Not gonna ungrey concern troll bootlickers, HOWEVAH.

LMAO bootlicker