Am I the only one who is slightly annoyed by the main character's douchey beanie?
Am I the only one who is slightly annoyed by the main character's douchey beanie?
Definitely. Arcade sports games were everywhere in the 90s. Why have they all gone the way of the dodo?
My wife and I play this with an iPad 3 as main screen and one galaxy s4 and another s3. We get to be a two person crew in bed ;)
<3 that book.
Here I was, expecting the next picture to be of the Stinky Cheese Man.
What's really sad is some people are reading this who are unemployed and would kill to be in his shoes.
It's mostly economic — different markets have different prices, and region locking helps prevent a black market of games being purchased cheaply in one location to be sold at profit elsewhere.
It does not describe the experience because that experience is not global.
How doesnt it describe their new experience? Its One. One console, one place for all of your entertainment. Tv, movies, internet, games, socializing. Its designed to be the One thing you need to plug into your tv. Fairly fitting, if I do say so myself.
But they apparently didn't have enough money or smarts to do any research in international markets (read - non- North American) to pick a name that would be accepted and accurately describe their new experience..?
I think it's not gender exclusive to like it. Just that some people can't be bothered.
The more you can customize the game, the more attached you feel to it, I think.
In Call of Duty you often play as a soldier who can power his way through ridiculously dangerous situations and somehow survive. You see the same thing in all sorts of other games, where your character is very special and powerful. Hell, in fantasy games, your character is often the Chosen One.
Where are the female soldiers!?
One of my top-5 all-time favorite bands. I freaked out when I heard them in the trailer. Anyone who likes 60's rock owes it to themselves to check out a best-of (at least!).