Actually my LGBTQ+ friends and colleagues are people of color, but thanks for this crazy alt-right rant.
Actually my LGBTQ+ friends and colleagues are people of color, but thanks for this crazy alt-right rant.
So this is the scariest possible future right? Just think about it.
It’s all anecdotal until you have some fancy Excel Spreadsheet right? SMH
Is it cold and snowy in Moscow, Borris?
Ok, let me be clear. GW Bush meddled in other countries a la Iraq, but Obama has avoided that sort of stuff. Obama has repaired our relations with the entire world and because he’s getting so much respect Russia has to come along and rig our elections.
How often do you see a guy with a beard that can actually play some ball? Not often at all. Most guys with beards are nerdy white hipsters paying way too much for craft beer.
As if we needed more proof that Dorsey was a Russian Stooge. First he gives Donald Trump a platform to communicate lies without having to run them through the media to filter and now he’s asking that Snowden be pardoned?
Thanks but no. I actually studied this stuff in college. I didn’t learn it on Wikipedia.
Just what I’m hearing from my LGBTQ+ friends and colleagues.
Facebook has a huge LGBTQ+ issue. As in, they don’t hire anyone who is LGBTQ+.
Ok, but that isn’t a fact though right? That’s pretty open to interpretation given the lack of consensus on the topic. So, listen, I’m not saying Russia wasn’t a part of WWII because it definately was. I’m just saying that the United States beat Germany pretty much head to head. There’s consensus on that, not so…
Wow that’s crazy. My best deadlift was 460lbs. I did it twice but still, can’t even imagine dealifting over 600lbs. That’s so crazy.
Uh, no. As the saying goes: “The winners write history.”
There are a lot of conflicting reports about that actually. There have been so many different studies on this that say the Russians played a part but not an integral part. A lot of it is just Russian hype and propaganda actually.
Russia is probably the most racist country on earth, so this is no surprise. They rigged our election and to me that’s war. Hey, we single-handedly beat the Germans in WWII, a few bonehead Russians are no problem. We are still the greatest superpower out there right now. Plus Europe will back us. This is seriously…
Right? And it pisses me off to no end that racist Putin was able to rig our elections and made Hillary lose. She should be our president. Honestly, she’s my president.
Hillary would have had very different picks imho.
I Wonder why... no pun intended.
Let’s just hope we get spectacles Rick Perry and not pre-spectacles Rick Perry.
I made a buzzer beater in high school from under the opposing basket. Nothing but net. We won that game by 1 point too. That was won of the greatest days and nights of my life. I lost my V-Card that night too in my car after the party. Barely remember it. JK ;)