
not even watching the video, i can say by the title, id agree with that. Dont leave you kids in cars.

Maybe, I don’t know, stop judging everything before it’s finished.

It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of

“increased participation in nonmarital sexual relations without any expectation of marriage.”

Pretty sure that’s a Rembrandt dude...

You’d think that the VAG Group would have the technology to adjust engine settings when the car senses that it’s being run in a static environment and not moving . . . . .

Tim Watley, DDS. Duh.

A gadget site reviewing Apple products and liking them? IT MUST BE AN AD!

and that’s why you don’t stick your feet out of a car window!

Pretty sure that’s a scam, bro.

If you’re citing “antenna-gate” as downplaying a real issue, you’re sorely mistaken. Antenna-gate was a complete non-issue, the media just blew up about it because the iPhone 4 was such a huge deal, there was money to be made knocking it down. Ditto for android camp, who were looking for ANY excuse to knock apple down

Emoji is literally the Japanese word for “picture” (e) + “character” (moji). It sounds weird because it’s Japanese but it has a legitimate reason to be called that.

That looks like a BMW Z1 door.

To be fair, there were Arabic numberals on the clock....

Just change the voltage and they’ll be amber.

kinja wants my “star power”? I’ll show ‘em

Serious question for Natasha: if Roy had contacted you with these pictures and told you that he was attempting to blackmail one of the women but they wouldn’t pay him, would you have published his pictures of the woman in question and kept his identity secret?