
and that’s why you don’t stick your feet out of a car window!

Pretty sure that’s a scam, bro.

That looks like a BMW Z1 door.

Just change the voltage and they’ll be amber.

kinja wants my “star power”? I’ll show ‘em

Serious question for Natasha: if Roy had contacted you with these pictures and told you that he was attempting to blackmail one of the women but they wouldn’t pay him, would you have published his pictures of the woman in question and kept his identity secret?

Are any of the victimized women closeted homosexuals? Please follow your usual policy and provide a list.

A Metroid show with that style?


Oklahoma is what the right wing would like for all of America to look like, statistically. The state is incredibly poor and uneducated. People work for comically low wages and attack anyone who tries to change that (proactively passing Right To Work when something like 2% of the workers in the state are unionized;

Not using jack stands. That’s way too dangerous to forget about, or not know about.

This woman knows nothing about me.

You say Caitlyn. Her chosen and legal name is Caitlyn Jenner; any reference to her should be by that name.

Any other company, besides Komen, and I’d be infuriated by this.

Flags are being banned? No. Stop being a Fox news fuckwit.

No no no no they were not. The founding fathers were all mostly deists and was sick of religious wackos, AMERICA IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION IT WAS NOT IN TENDED TO BE A CHRISTIAN NATION. Look up the treaty of Tripoli if you want black and white proof of this.

God, thank you.. I’m tired of all these conservatives crying, “They’re coming! They’re coming! Climb into your bunker before they come for you!! It’s already began!!”

Who’s banned which flags in the USA? Are you talking about the flag of the Confederate slavery regime?