
I once did something similar, except it wasn’t on the dirt, it was on a suburban street. My mom was throwing out a couch and my sister and I somehow decided it would be great fun to tie it to my mom’s explorer and drag it around the neighborhood.

I watched ‘Car Matchmaker’ a few times and the past two episodes have been the best. Two weeks ago the budget was $8k and he brought out an old Porsche, and two old Mercs. It was so much better watching them talk and drive these old cars. It was so enjoyable to watch. Then the next week, even though the budget was

You would not actually want designers working on UI/UX, it’s best to have specialty UX people working on that part of the software. UX is not the same as traditional design, as it is much more technical and can be very different than traditional design.

I was living on Long Island on 9/11 and had the TV on just as it all happened, and the entire day thereafter. There was never emergency broadcast alert sent.

I wonder how much the doctor cum auto designer paid to have his car on the show?

I’ve never been a fan of the modern application of the Alfa grille triangle. It looks great on the older cars because it is an accessory to the grille, not the entire grill or grille section. I think even the 8C and 4C would look better if the triangle was smaller and more in line with the vintage look.

I also think it is best that if you have a dash cam that records GPS and other things other than video to disable them. Most of the time the information can only be used to hurt you. You also can’t remove it post accident because you can get hit with tampering of evidence or be forced to submit the originals with the

The ‘Vision Zero’ plan is a ridiculous waste of money. There is no way to reduce all traffic fatalities to zero, it would be ‘easier’ to reduce crime to zero. Crime is due to a behavior that can be helped. Driving has an infinite amount of possibilities that are out of the control of pedestrians, or any vehicle on the

You think you are trying to be so smart, however I never, nor will ever say transitioning is involuntary. Transitioning is a choice. Being transgendered is not.

I appreciate your comments, I actually think you are replying to the wrong person. I am the one arguing against these um, for lack of a better term ‘pieces of shit’. Who are using Dolezal as a way to excuse their trans hate.

Her decision to identify as black was due to her affinity for black culture. That is a choice. She learned about black culture, and then chose to appropriate it for herself.

Reducing pedestrian deaths is great, however, reducing it to zero is impossible in a real life situation. That is the way statistics and the world works.

Since you think yourself so enlightened, you will not even read this:

You have zero idea what it is to be transgendered. Go read up on it, there is no choice in it. I was born this way. I knew when I was small. I didn’t ‘take some drugs’ and say I was female. You are amongst the bigots the author is calling out upon. Look in the mirror and see that you are part of the problem.

But, since there are a lot of places like that making a blanket change was not well thought out and only part of mayor’s ridiculous ‘vision zero’ plan.

There are places where 25 makes sense, but, there are so many it does not. There are so many streets that turn into multilane limited access highway type roads, and they have a 25 mph speed limit. For example at Atlantic and Eastern Pkwy, there is a section like that. Although it isn’t very long, 25 is a ridiculous

Nobody can really use the ‘I don’t know where the image came from’ excuse nowadays. It takes all of 30 seconds to go to google images and do a search by image where you can upload or paste a url to an image. I tried with the ‘cheeks’ image from the lede and came to here and here within the first few links.

The quote from the Guardian exactly sums it up. I am trans, and I never chose to be that way. I am also hispanic, but, I grew up in a predominantly white area and lived pretty much a white middle class youth. I rarely identify myself as hispanic, because I never experienced the culture or problems from being a part of

Simply not succeeding in a suicide attempt does not mean that the person secretly didn’t want to die. It’s just more difficult to kill yourself with pills versus guns. I’ve tried several times to kill myself, and I’m here not because I wanted to live, but because someone found me too soon. When I was so depressed I