
I had a slightly different experience with makeup and clothing than most trans people. I was in the goth scene and always had black nail polish on, and wore black lipstick so many times. Plus, back in the 90s guys wore skirts too. I got more than a few comments on my nails, but as a 90s ‘freak’ it didn’t matter to me.

I pretty much gave up on eyeliner. Every single time, one eye looks perfect and the other looks like a raccoon. Then I look at the clock and see I wasted 20 minutes on it and I am late for work.

You aren’t diminishing anything, that is exactly what I was trying to say. But, instead of a parent giving me permission, it was me giving myself permission.

I don’t speak for all trans people but for me before I transitioned and the immediate period after I was focused mostly upon appearance. I thought, yes, I have permission now to wear this pretty outfit or makeup.

I got a barcode tattoo on the back of my neck in the 90s and, yup it is now a blurry rectangle. But, the same artist wouldn’t tattoo band on my finger because he said it would quickly fade and look bad.

I got one of the first of the New Beetle’s in 1998. I absolutely needed one when I read about it. I wanted a yellow one, but they couldn’t find one, so silver it was. I wanted a manual, again none, so autobox it was. But I got one within weeks of the first ones hitting the streets. It was the first new car I bought

That is definitely the way to go, but it’s so much harder than being a dick. I remember a long time ago my girlfriend and I were regulars at a popular restaurant. We were always good tippers and were very nice to the staff. Eventually we were were getting half our meals comped. When I get anything comped at a

I have gotten those from seamless and it tells you your average tip percentage too. The email said the national percentage was onlya 13% tip.

Thanks, I was lucky to have had a supportive family and friends back then to make the process easier. But, in the end I transitioned because I had to, I couldn’t take the pain of living as a male anymore.

I transitioned in the late 90s and got all my documentation changed without going to court. I did a lot of research and found out my state allowed common law name changes. So, I started using my new name in random easy things to get like credit cards and such. Then once I had enough ‘points’ of documentation I went to

Head injuries are one of the worst things you can get. No matter how small you think they are it can really mess you up. I got a small concussion last year and had headaches, memory loss and unsteadiness for weeks afterwards. Then, on top of that, I started to develop seizures, which I now have to constantly deal

Another interesting VW font tidbit, their font VAG Rounded, which I do not think they use has been used by several other companies. Notably, Apple has been using it on their keyboards since 1999, but they stopped using it on the latest Macbook, which switched to San Francisco.

I was a kid when those cars were new, and they were far from reliable. I remember getting stuck on the road on more than one occasion. Things broke all the time, like gauges and controls, hell, the car wouldn’t even start 10% of the time. My mom had several GM cars back then and they mostly were unreliable garbage.

I am really doubting this also, unless the surgery was done outside the US. There are a ton of rules in the WPATH that pretty much all US and many European doctors follow. I transitioned 20 years ago and still haven’t gotten the surgery due to the rules. Mainly the one that requires two letters from mental health

It’s not her having a problem with the handicapped. Max changed the past and changed Chloe. Not only is Chloe handicapped in some way, but it looks like the friend she had is also gone. She no longer has the blue hair or whatever made that Chloe , Chloe. Additionally, Max has also changed, she seems to be in the

I know what you mean. I don’t wish for the NYC of the 80s or even the 90s to come back. I think the early 2000’s had a good balance of safety and character. Now, there is a CVS on every corner like every city and suburb.

This really does suck, and for me kind of a major turning point in the history of the city. So many of the places I used to go to in the 90s are now gone, replaced by high end condos that nobody lives in. Now, it’s not some random dive bar that is going away, it is a major tourist destination.

Also in New York, the amount of toll takers has been scaled back quite a bit since EZPass has been around. When EZPass was first available there was usually one or two lanes and the rest were toll takers or the change throwing machines. Now, there are places that only take EZPass, such as by the GWB in Englewood

It’s not just going to prison, it’s even spending a few hours in jail. One of my friends spent a few hours in jail because her mom was being vindictive and called the cops on her, however, she did nothing wrong and was released shortly. But, if that happened to me and they forced me to be with them men, then even

I hate posting this, but can I be followed?