There isn’t enough data here to say. My initial point was the data was skewed way too high.
There isn’t enough data here to say. My initial point was the data was skewed way too high.
It really does, because there are apartments in NYC that cost under 1k a month and they aren’t even subsidized.
I tend to accelerate a little faster than necessary. But, it is always to the local limits, which here is 15 over the posted sign.
The NYC average monthly rental price is completely skewed by the multi-million dollar rental condos. I don’t know anyone who pays near $3200 for their rent, and I know plenty of people who make over 100k a year.
If I am at the front, I do the same. And it is also fun. But, I know of these dumb laws, so if someone is next to me doing the same I try to slow down.
That’s the first thing I thought of when I read the lede
That sounds awful. I remember a few years ago interviewing for a similar job, I did not take it.
Your reply was perfectly worded, I only got the first sentence in my notifications and was prepared to be pissed. Then I clicked through and read the rest of your comment. Well done.
Yes, I do know, hence the quotes around standard. I’m lucky that I don’t have to deal with many different systems and remembering all their weird flags.
By ‘standard’ unix I meant POSIX compliant systems.
Yes, I know, all the tools you listed are part of a standard UNIX installation and some have been around since the 70s. And, yes, while those tools have been around quite a while, many have been continuously updated. For example, you mentioned vi, most likely anyone using vi is actually using vim which is still being…
Anytime there is a banned word list the developers are playing cat and mouse with the users. Nobody can every get every combination of every word removed, and your article proves it. You spelled bukakke differently than the list and it went through. Either the developer has to deal with an ever expanding list of…
Yes, they are. In my initial reply I typed CS instead of computer because up until the end of the 70s when you were an expert, CS and computer experience were kind of intertwined.
I only wanted to write a short reply since this is a car blog, however C programming in the 80s is very different from C programming now. There have been several official and many unofficial language updates since it was originally released. Tech is an ever changing field. Even though there are some basics that…
Someone with 20 years CS experience in the 80s would be able to use a computer like you said. However if they stopped learning about new tech in 1985 they would be far off from being at a professional level, unless the job was maintaining an OS/360 system.
I think you got it right, here
Thank you so much. If I helped you in any way I am greatful for that. I've learned that if I feel I can't get through the week, get through the day, if not the day, then an hour or finally just one second. Eventually you realized you have overcome whatever you were battling big or small.
I'm the OP with seizures. The EEGs did come back negative. But the seizures only started when I got a concussion, I've never had them before. So something broke from the head injury. I pretty much get all the seizure symptoms and behaviors. But the EEG was normal. Right now I am on a couple of anti-seizure meds and…
I never lie to the doctors, that’s not helpful. I tell them every medication I’ve been on and answer every question on their intake form honestly. So, I say I am taking psych meds and for what. And the forms also ask about hospitalizations and I also always say I have been hospitalized for psych reasons. I, however do…
I really hate when people say a behavior is attention seeking. For me it was cutting and suicide attempts. I don’t want ‘attention’ from some random doctor or hospital personnel. I am sick and needed help. If I solely wanted attention I wouldn't have ended up with 20 stitches on my arm. Ugh, that phrase makes my blood…