I can't imagine what what a hardware upgrade would cost, considering a navigation data update typically costs a few hundred dollars.
I can't imagine what what a hardware upgrade would cost, considering a navigation data update typically costs a few hundred dollars.
I hate selling on CL, I posted an item and it was flagged and taken down within hours. So, I went to the forums, which was suggested in the email I got from them. That was a bad idea, the forums are filled with dicks and I eventually figured out that the takedown process is all automated. If enough people flag it,…
Haha, yeah, but as a kid I never got that Rush'n was supposed to be Russian.
I do remember in the GBA version you pressed select (or start) and it brought you back to the helicopter. Maybe I am confusing the two.
I never could beat the game, but I still remember a cheat I read in Nintendo Power. You needed an NES Advantage to do the trick. When you are fighting a boss you throw a grenade and then press the slow button. After you press it, the game toggles pause on and off, and somehow during that damage was still dealt to…
I totally remember that, I was playing and got stuck on that damn level and I had to reset the game. Boy, was I pissed. However, I think there was a way to get back to the helicopter without having to end your game, but, I didn't know it at the time.
According to the googles it's from Jack Ass (http://jackass.wikia.com/wiki/Daddy_and…). And it couldn't be from Raising Arizona, it came out in the 80s way before the Excursion was made.
Well, you have a strange car then, I guess whoever designed your gauge cluster didn't get the memo.
and a black and white cookie for me
Le George
Common image formats such as JPGs, GIFs, and PNGs are already compressed. If you are trying to save space by zipping them, you will typically only save a few kb per file, and in some cases the zip may even be larger.
I am somewhat embarrassed to say I like CharliXCX, but, I am glad you posted this because I really do like her stuff. Maybe you should try for some Swedish stuff next, I am a big fan of Vanbot
Came here to say the same thing, Les Stroud is amazing
I just got one as a rental, it was a choice between a Camry and a Sonic LTZ. I got the Sonic, and it is a fun little car.
That's great, until the wine bottle breaks, and now your nice boots are full of glass. Wouldn't a soda bottle be better and safer?
No way, that was the best car ever, I am no Nascar fan but I totally got a miniature replica.
I love taking the Palisades up from NYC and driving that road. Last time I went I got stuck behind a slow car, but, no way was I passing him.