Bob Cole

This zombie girl look like she about to eat some brains.

“Naggers”. What else would it be?

And this is why my flight to San Fran is delayed today.

No offense, but then do not get upset when they do offensive and racist shit. Shall we just ignore these white folk and let them do and say what they want?

Why Drake ever participated in this picture is baffling to me.

Thank you. This made me laugh.

Dramatic much?

Hi. Alexander Fleming discovered and isolated penicillin which led to the development of modern antibiotics.

Bet it took all morning to come up with this piece.

“a lifetime of fighting 4 civil rights 4 all minorities”

Boy, this Rosanne is full of a whole lotta bullshit.

“anyone with a functioning brain”

Sorry Monique, but that tweet about Ben Carson was not a good idea.

Build a Taco Bell. The whole nation will be in the bathroom and there will be no one to launch any bombs.

I do not think white people are afraid. It is just that there is a segment of white people who (when things don’t go right) blame visible minorities.

That is a nice looking house. I like the brick exterior.

That inflatable hot tub is too big. I am not sure it would fit in my car.

That inflatable hot tub is too big. I am not sure it would fit in my car.

I think Rudy got booed because he was wearing a Red Sox hat.

I thought Bamboo was hard. Wouldn’t that make this bed uncomfortable to sleep in?

I thought Bamboo was hard. Wouldn’t that make this bed uncomfortable to sleep in?

That Cruz is a wretched human being.