Bob Cole

No time for these unfounded allegations. Building a wall.

No wonder Melania won’t hold his hand.

Look at the emotion.

That hook is dangerous. My aunt got one last month and broke her shoulder.

That hook is dangerous. My aunt got one last month and broke her shoulder.

Oprah needs to come out with a text that Kanye is a damn fool. Barrack Obama should do the same thing.

That is not my point. Ask most people who the black leaders are. You will get a list of athletes and entertainers.

Someone else then. I think there is a huge void at the head of black leadership at present. At least that is my take.

People regarded as leaders in the black community should not be singers or athletes. These people are prone to letting others down.

Where the NAS article go?

Perception is reality. The problem is that the POTUS has been caught in lies and contradictions hundreds of times and it does not seem to make any difference.

Breanna, how much do you want to bet that this is a whole lot of nothing and that Starbucks “bias training” is simply PR and not a genuine effort to change anything?

Careful with that Harry Potter wand. My aunt got one and broke her shoulder.

Careful with that Harry Potter wand. My aunt got one and broke her shoulder.

Kanye doing this for business reasons.


I know a woman would go jump on the trampoline hoping to start her labour faster. She would also run sprints.

Monique is getting married.

This is exactly what Malcolm X said. He said it was a joke that whites considered athletes, comedians, and singers as “leaders” of the black community.

Kanye is the new Stephen.

Lots of poor people left in Flint. That is why no one is doing anything.