Bob Cole

To all white people, just don’t do this stuff. What is the point?

Trump has mental issues. Discuss.

Funny, none of these guys look the type.

So disappointed in this piece. Please put up something better before I have to go home.

Jackson was an ass.


I say “natural selection”.

Fully expect him to get an A then.

OK. Maybe not him.

Martin Lawrence fell on hard times.

I was curious (but not too surprised) with Rapaport’s ranking.

First, why are you going to L.A. Fitness? Do you follow the news?

Someone should strongly consider charges against the lawyers for bilking the estate out of millions.

Does that 60% European make you a colonizer?

Nothing wrong here. Good on Williams.

Make Rappaport sit in a room with the VSB crew and watch the Lords of Discipline.

All I know is that if it was me, I would feel like crap. I would be angry, sad and depressed. I am not too sure, I would give a crap about anything else.

All people will look Asian in a few hundred years.

You can have this asshole Canadian.

“Former FBI Director James Comey is a thot.”