Ivan Alberini

Not even Valve does should be made into a meme.


I like the idea that any other player on the map can kill you, keeps you on your toes and is exciting. I get that some people want to drive around Los Santos without having to deal with that. For me it's fun. I'm not going to kill every player I see in my way, but I like when 3 or 4 players meet, something goes wrong

You have an abstract idea of what a penis looks like.

It's not the murder that makes Trevor sickening. For better or worse killing people in video games is old-hat. It's the way he manipulates the weak people around him. The way his meth buddies fawn over him while they're afraid of him at the same time. The way he takes over and intimidates people into first


I think the key thing to keep in mind is that the top-end one is overpowered, but not every Steam Machine is going to be top-end. I'd bet that Valve is testing out a number of prototypes to get a good idea of what kinds of machines would make for good entry-, mid- and top-level machines, and that they'll eventually

You know, you're totally right. I forgot 4k was going to be a thing. I'm so used to TVs being maxed at 1080 that this seemed kind of ridiculous. The Titan makes a little more sense for those running that high a resolution.

4K anyone?

It destroys both.

They aren't going to make HL3 steambox exclusive. That would be the most idiotic decision ever made.

UGH. no, you guys Trevor almost ruins GTAV for me, I seriously cannot stand him. He is gross, he killed Johnny K, and I'm pretty sure he's a rapist. Michael or Franklin anyday.


Get outta my article.

I would receive them for free.

"but i was so fickle about her body. i’m not shy, i would just blurt out shit all the time."

I didn't see much wrong in the first two block quotes. Some people throw themselves at celebrities. No matter how minor. He's right to be wary of them.

Man, she offended the proto hipster.

Your getting free will and consequences confused.