
Search this very site for its coverage; there have been a LOT of professional opinions stating that Epic doesn’t have much ground to stand on in this case linked in these very articles; the number that agree with your take and link are vastly inferior in number, and I have a very hard time believing that the dozen or

Ah, yes, attacking the credibility of the source

“Apple has had a grip on IOS ever since it was started”

The fact that you’re quoting the Escapist as a source tells me all I need to know about this “lawyer” of yours...

Actually many of us do understand the thorny crevices of US law enough to know Epic doesn’t have a leg to stand on with this, especially with the argument they are trying to pull.

Not even 39% of the US market, they own even less of the world market, around 15%.

Apple is allowed to, it only owns 15% of the smartphone market. Microsoft got the banhammer, BECAUSE THEY OWNED 95% of the entire computing market at the time.

Monopolies exist in markets, segments, and industries. Not in apps/features on an iPhone. Consumers have free choice to buy another phone at any time if they don’t like it. 

Apple is a monopolist and standing up to them is a necessary step to free consumers and developers from the unlawful restrictions Apple has imposed over app distribution and in-app payment processing on iOS”

Dude, you’re boring.

I always hate this “guilty until proven innocent” bullcrap. We have that up north here too, with Excessive Speeding, DUI and Street Racing laws. The accusation is all that’s required for an impound, and even if found innocent, your vehicle stays in impound for the initial term, and you must pay for both the impound

No, it’s way older than that. Civil forfeiture goes back hundreds of years to when international commerce arrived by sail.

No one mentioned the orange man until you did. The article made it pretty clear that both sides of the aisle want this law changed.

Tortilla man is an idiot who talks out of his ass.

Thats what lawsuits are for. You don’t ask the guilty party pretty please. You sue.

The very first time I ever heard about civil forfeiture laws, I thought it was a thinly veiled crime. And when I had over $5000 in cash in my pocket from my tax refund, I knew it could only be a crime because if I were for some reason accosted by police, they could have taken it since I worked - and still do work - in

Really? - because when the cops in Asbury Park, NJ kicked in the door of my apartment looking for someone and then left when they realized they had the wrong address, I had to pay for someone to come and fix it (I was working out of town). AP’s “finest” just got back in their cars and fucked off leaving the smashed

This sort of bullshit is why I support the idea of settlements in lawsuits against police forces be taken from their operating budget and/or pension funds. Let’s see how many multi-million dollar settlements get levied against the PD’s retirement funds before they decide not getting rid of bad cops will cost them

Sorta like when the gestapo enters the wrong house (yours) with a search warrant and destroyed pretty much everything, your still on the hook for the damages.