Ian the entitled white boy shtick is tiring. Shut the fuck up, no one cares about your opinion, and make space for people whose lives are actually at stake here.
Ian the entitled white boy shtick is tiring. Shut the fuck up, no one cares about your opinion, and make space for people whose lives are actually at stake here.
Or purchase a bidet and use nice toilet paper to dry things up.
Definitely. Influencer means... basically anyone on Instagram I follow that I don’t know.
Pete is Jewish on his mother’s side—not religious, but ethnic.
Not straight white men, the least useful ally in existence.
This is pretty damn amazing and makes me want to buy and load up the game right now (well after my work day lol).
Im sorry but Italian Fiesta is where it’s at.
Get back to me when the US Government gives an apology to all of the black people here for its continued oppression, murder, and gaslighting to us.
A lot of people have heard of him, particularly in the spanish speaking world. Just because your old white ass has not does not mean anything about how popular anyone is.
Its funny because there’s a thing called google that could help you figure out that he was superbowl halftime star and had one of the most popular songs, tours, and albums of the last 5 years.
I hadn’t heard of this initiative, but it’s awesome. Glad to see that we’re building out things like black out day and pushing them into creative arenas.
For serious... pirates were outcasts from society.
You should not expect to be called a fag or the n-word. That’s not just toxicity, that’s abuse. If you wouldn’t do it in real life, than you shouldn’t do it in a video game.
We get it, you’re a dumb child defending this game because you have no life. Go jerk off or do literally anything else.
Tbh, Smallant is the only streamer I’ve been able to tolerate. But I don’t fangirl the guy, he’s just occasionally enjoyable to watch when he’s speedrunning. Breath of the Wild seems to attract the less toxic crowd?
You must have fun creating these imagined situations in your head in which it’s perfectly fine to have some sort of moral superiority over this situation because you wish him to live.
It is very very difficult to have your kids taken from you if you’re white. Sorry, but the data does not stand by you for the majority of Americans. Hell, even being non-white they do not want to take your kids.
Frozen vegetables exist. Frozen broccoli is very cheap and takes less than 10 minutes to make. I grew up in a family of seven (quite poor and black) and talking with other people my age I truly think most people have zero idea how to prepare a quick, cheap, and easy meal. Rice and lentils—super easy and healthy. Rice…
In New York, Whole Foods is actually much cheaper than other options. Especially bodegas. They are usually the only choice for fresh produce. People are still responsible for the choices they make. I’m black and I know how my family eats. It takes a long time to train yourself to eat better, to really stick to healthy…
I totally know unhealthy vegans. And I myself gained weight shopping exclusively at whole foods. I knew the bad choices I was making, but there is a bad part of your mind that leads you to think that $8 cheese puffs are better for you.