They won’t win and this is such a dumb conversation to have. They might as well try suing Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony and anyone else that also makes a locked down consumer device that “could” be jail broken but is still against TOS to do so.
They won’t win and this is such a dumb conversation to have. They might as well try suing Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony and anyone else that also makes a locked down consumer device that “could” be jail broken but is still against TOS to do so.
At least you admit you hate America in every pithy comment you make on this platform.
I am so surprised you’re the first person to pick up on this. But... then again, it shouldn’t really be that surprising.
Considering that you accept that when you buy an Xbox, PlayStation, switch, etc.... does it matter? I literally don’t care. If some teenagers want to bitch about fortnite not making more money, good for them? An app not being available in the App Store has never hindered or effected my life. This story comes down to…
Who the fuck are these delusional white people and why haven’t the rest of you white people shamed them until they die from the shame or go the fuck away?
The delusion is real.
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Please stop.
For outdoor dining it makes perfect sense. If you and your party are seated with distance from others, you will have minimal contact with staff who all wear masks.
I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of theaters close forever when they become vectors for disease.
If this was an article from Fox News about literally anyone who wasn’t a nazi, no one would care because it doesn’t matter.
I believe you’d be hard pressed to discover that the rest of us would be perfectly happy to never think about being black, Asian, gay, what have you—if not for the multitude of laws that the religious right and white supremacists keep propping up to prevent us from living our lives quietly and peacefully.
Considering you can’t vote, your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.
Please learn how to spell “quiet” in the future.
We get it. You hate black people and gay people. Why don’t you move on? You post more on this website than actual black people. It’s fucking weird dude. Are you also jerking off while you read this website? I bet you have your hand on your dick right now. So fucking weird. White men smh.
I see you are pretending to be black. How’s that going?
God just go away. No one likes you. You don’t even like yourself. Why are you here? Why don’t you comment on Breitbart, or Stormfront? You ideology is more inline with theirs.
Who is this Tulsi you speak of?
The large population of black people in Chicago is what makes it very not midwest for me.