
video games need a giant crash like in the 80s and reset this shit timeline we are currently in

i wondered that too (not that it justifies abuse from adults) but this is what google said (via instagram’s help section) -

this is kind of pathetic considering these slides are literally the tutorial. i assume this is a quota “article”’ll either be blatant a re-make/requel of the first or it’ll have lame, forced sentimentality in a story that makes you wish you’d rather just watch the original again. i’m sure WB wants to make a cinematic universe out of this too.

yah!  useless digital currency that only works in the market that WB owns!  what a generous conglomerate!  we will purchase more digital items now!

Making drunkies!

or Don’t Care

treating him as a comedian isn’t necessary either

maybe not “de-age” but clean off wrinkles and such. time/setting is irrelevant. studios and stars are pretty vain, even the ones we like.

honestly i was prompted by the initial image in the article.  that looks cleaned up to me but whatever, its the norm.

i wonder how much digital de-aging is in this

i wonder if he is a diablo 4 whale

it looks like complete shit

the comments, i think

the amount of comments i get here from having the corny confused face is astonishing. always good to judge a book by its cover.

i really dont think they have an editor. i’ve seen so many simple errors make it to publish in the past few months.

the paying customer is the Q/A team