
“strangely” enough, many of the letters written by scientologists do not acknowledge the religion that is so important to their lives

my initial thought was “megan fox is still a thing?”.  granted im a decaying corpse but it seems like an odd promotion to me. 

the way AAA/corporate gaming has molested this game/franchise is sad to see.  not unexpected but still sucks. 

i thought the article was silly. that’s it. that was the root of my comment. im allowed to comment. please hand over the kinja comment handbook if im breaking any rules. have you ever considered that *you* don’t have to comment? fuck off.

gatekeeping comments on a stupid article. you go girl. looking forward to the article from kotaku about you being unfairly banned from r/tentacles

im honored to be your first real life climax

oh i know but i still get surprised sometimes at what gets published but i also understand the algo challenge and need for clicks in todays “modern journalism” game.

i know you are trying to be smert but im commenting on the quality (or lack thereof) of the subject matter which is more than your comment to mine.  GOOD JOB WHATEVERDUDE6 YOU REALLY SHOWED ME

im surprised this was considered article worthy

4d worry

clancy brown was Burg in the mandaleerian

i realize this had to be all planned out (announcement at video game event) but basically 2 months out and Diablo4 is already talking about S2. I can’t help but want to unlock everything on the S1 Battlepass but I don’t think I’ll be engaging with D4 for awhile after that.

Taryn Manning for President 2024

the book was much better than the movie”

i know its the online article game/motive/engagement but the amount of links to other kotaku articles is crazy. almost like “how can we put all our OW2 articles in a brand new article that really isn’t that enlightening”. and im one of the bozo’s that still kinda enjoys perusing kotaku. oh well, back to the overwatch

remember when social media was gonna allow celebs to be “real” to their fans. 

keith david or....david keith

so when doctors in red states move to blue states so they won’t get sued, how long until red states blame blue states for their own self-imposed terrible maternal mortality rates?

me and friend were trying to play it about a year ago (via GP) but the bugs really got in the way and we had to give up. it definitely has a great look/vibe to it.