
get new insults.

what does that explain?  no, im fully in control of my actions.  if people didn’t respond, i wouldn’t see their moronic takes about me, which i’m of course going to respond to.  like yours.  my comments don’t explain anything about my personality but you seem to think so based on a few sentences.  says more about you

certainly with all your comments you’ve commented on something that “doesn’t interest you” but i appreciate the forum cop mentality

such a weird way to think you know anything about me

why engage with something if it is so silly? i’m only responding because people keep responding to me. if you had just read my comment and moved on, we wouldn’t be where we find ourselves. and yes, i know you complained about kotaku which is weird that you can but i cant. yes, i know they give themselves an out with

? because you don’t agree with my comment(s) i’m somehow glued to a computer monitor all day? is that what you are suggesting? an odd take considering you have way more comments on this series of sites than i. a quick search of large heads comments reveal he’s complained about kotaku practices too, not sure why i can’t

kotaku doesn’t want you to exile a click now does it?  shame shame.

? do you think there are people who will get huffy enough to respond to a joke and defend a corporate site that has only gotten worse in trying to get clicks in lieu of quality content?

yeah yeah yeah. a slop bucket of content even though this network has a site clearly dedicated to pop culture topics like anime, tv and movies.  i get it.  i appreciate you defending kotaku.  GLHF fellow serious gamer.

apologies for the sass but...great gaming content! 

yeah, and i meant it as a joke. literally all i said was “im just surprised this isn’t a slideshow”, particularly since this actually would be a topic that would fit to that form.

did you guys delete my slideshow coment?

im just surprised this isn’t a slideshow

ive never seen rick and morty.  im only going to play for the RLM crossover.

at the time of my post, i dont think you’ve linked the proper verge article.  i think this is the one you want:

its amazing how much work you have to put in to get crap that should be in the game from launch.  its like how grocery stores introduced self-checkout thus customers perform labor without being paid.  just make it so and people will conform to it.

hmm, interesting.  will try out, thanks.

disappointed that scorn is not available to xbone users :(

The United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.