
not getting any salt, no worries! i dont have much else to say as i mostly agree but would just repeat what i said earlier, IMO, any game after all its DLC’s and patches (and likely lower price) is better than playing a new game in the moment, particularly under the lens of value. I’d absolutely say that about BL3 for

we will have to see how the next pieces of the season pass are but this 1st piece had to have already been on the disc ‘cause the actual DLC download (not the additional performance patch) was like, 10 MB so to me that’s essentially just paying for an unlock key...which, is super lame.

i cant necessarily think of some great reason to play the game *now* but i would say isn’t that the case for any game nowadays? media consumption has changed a lot, even in the last 5 years. games go on sale so fast anymore and like, that new Batman movie, it came out in march and it’s DVD is out in may.  i could make

i can see it both ways. it is short, even with the gimmick that in each of the 3 weeks following last week’s release the boss in the new DLC area evolves to something else....and the reward wheel at the end is kind of a dud (needs more excitement and more drops). that said, i personally didn’t feel cheated when i

just my opinion but BL3 is the only one in the series that i actively dislike the writing (at least on the main campaign). the other games are hit and miss re: jokes but thats like everything else, subjective.

correct me if i’m wrong, or i misread but i believe torgue has always had bleeped lines

as a genuine bumble user with no success from it, my comment refers to your last couple lines. agreed that online dating has its downfalls as do those other possible places...however, bumble, and many of it’s peers, has essentially become extensions of social media apps now. it’s all about putting up a facade, showing

yeah i’m not too bothered though i also didn’t make it the focus of my current build. the WL reddit is of course not handling it well. they can easily buff it a bit once they see how it plays now. i’m watching Moxsy’s stream and i dunno, it’s still seems effective even with it’s ~65% nerf.

today’s hotfix “addresses an issue” with the liquid cooling.

one “fun” thing GB did is how...defeating the raid boss is similar to completing the rune challenge. so for barkenstein, you did the green rune which is hitting those spores from the mushroom before they hit the ground. similar concept to help defeat barky during the actual fight which i’m sure you can recall :D

sure thing. blue, yellow and green. if they appear they’ll be near where the portals spawn when you complete an area so you don’t have to search the entire map.

and if you didn’t know, if you find all 3 hidden runes on walls (which is random to appear) you’ll fight the true hidden raid boss.

i’ve really enjoyed the borderlands series but randy is an odd duck

i think dark magic is getting a damage buff with the recent hotfix -

Friday the 13th certainly wasn’t perfect but didn’t suck...that’s some lazy writing.

what about Quibi ?

Now playing

granted it’s 30 years old but i remember this TB deal ‘cause of the jingle. can you imagine these prices now??

celebrity doppelganger = patton oswalt

yes, confused corny, which is an facial expression that i relate to often when i read articles or comments here.  what a point you’ve proven!

so how the fuck is what i said so wrong to you?  you just said people expect him to be truthful to them, thus a bastion of truth.  god damn semantics hunter.  good job policing kinja boards!