
UVHM is a challenge in of itself.  You kinda have to accept your good level 50 gear is going to be useless in UVHM so just pick up new/better stuff, even if its white.  and slag everything.  If you’d rather not deal with that, then just play on TVHM.

i’m 35 and yeah, this hits home.  thanks for writing.

kudos on working in the word “bowels”

yeah, it definitely feels like an asset flip and feels less polished than BL2 (i.e. can tell a different studio made it). reminds me of FO: new vegas because of it. that said, i’m digging it more and more as a i level up and claptastic voyage was a really unique and fun DLC to play.

borderlands: the presequel. never played it when it came out partially ‘cause i heard “meh” reviews and i was kinda burned out on BL2 by that time. bought the Handsome collection few weeks back (only $15 which was nice). re-lived fantastic memories of BL2 with a playthrough as krieg then switched over to TPS. i was

sure, it’s bad but it cant compete with the volume of trash YT produces. even with how much crap comes out of movies/music, there’s still more checks and balances where there is none with YT. then there’s that the gross (and scary) radicalization aspect of YT which is not present in the other forms of entertainment. i

i enjoy many YT folks.  its still low bar entertainment with more douches than other forms of entertainment since anyone can do it.

fuckin’ YT personalities man

people are now reporting on the sub that this hotfix/update removes loot from the heart of rage titan.

good.  appreciate the reporting Cecilia

for some reason my memory is that y’all would red line a release once past its date.  ah well.

wwe is a pretty awful company

whats that?  nigel smelling his own farts again?  its amazing the thin skin you have.

you are an elitist douchebag.

my mistake. massive ego.  people like you make me want to quit weed.

you commented on how inferior smoking is and implied one is silly to engage with that. i responded that for some, its the only option. you have a huge ego.

I watched the video because it says “what’s the best pipe for smoking weed?”. i smoke weed out of a pipe. do you follow? i live in kansas where marijuana is illegal you dolt. i don’t have fancy shops with all the latest fads, my dealer doesn’t have “weed truck” that can hold oils, extracts, edibles, vape cartridges or

some of us live in shit states that don’t have those options. get off your “high” horse.

Now playing

i don’t think they’re learning. to echo jim sterling, EA helped cause and steam roll the MTX concept in so many areas of gaming in today’s era now they want praise for not doing it and act like their well documented MTX history doesn’t exist.

i’m only familiar with this guy ‘cause he interviewed some of Conan’s writers way back when and it was uploaded to youtube.