
some of those old school horrors are public domain and on youtube, fwiw

fanboy??! of what?!  i did explain in a subsequent message.  it’s weird how *you* have all the rules for posting messages.

high quality comments. like yelling at people who don’t fit your narrative. gotcha.  i’ll remember your sensitive feelings next time.

yeah, strange reaction. i realize i didn’t write some long in depth reason but didn’t figure the comment section on kotaku required it either. thanks for understanding :D

yeah, strange reaction. i realize i didn’t write some long in depth reason but didn’t figure the comment section on kotaku required it either. thanks for understanding :D

so much rage over my useless comments.  why is overwatch the worst?  because to me, it is.  i played it for about 10 hours and had no fun.  can you handle someone with a different opinion or just a blizzard fan boy or girl? 

oh, ok. comment police. gotcha. are you paid?

oh, ok. comment police. gotcha. are you paid?

i agree. It reminds me of fortnite. if you don’t put 2 hours in every day there’s no point in even owning it. i mean, i guess you can say that about any PvP but since those games, in particular, have huge player bases, it’s just a higher % of playing with jerks.

how is yours any less useless?

man overwatch is the worst.  big time regret buy

what does chuck call trumps presser ?

jareth cosplay wasn’t packing?  isn’t that the whole reason to cosplay as him??!

hitman’s the only one moving my needle

i’m content with just watching/listening to shoot interviews from personalities i enjoyed from 2002 and earlier. sports entertainment blows anyways.

i’m a sandy ravage honk and man he was having great squad matches.  real fun to watch. 

dang, impressive

really cool

really interesting and good band.  six demon bag and rabbit habits are great albums