
is it wrong that the word lisp has an S in it?

are any of you tied to a russian oligarch?

what meal could the whole staff agree on?

To the fortnite players: has it prevented you from playing baseball?

how much lobbying do video game companies do within US gov’t?

do you miss instruction manuals?

um...trevor phillips mom...fallout 4 mom...ehh...drawin’ a blank

the mode is fine but i find it more useful for completing some of the quests.

i remember getting annoyed when a gal wouldn’t re-fill the ice trays after she took them all.

garden warfare 2

majoras mask did it better

garden warfare 2

was your group name “Here Comes Treble”?

garden warfare 2

i think i’d take a white tac over any pump variation

garden warfare 2

with all the #changethechannel stuff going on, people are saying he was a rapist!

clearly, it’s 1 dog who has a famous grandson.

Jerry: “Excuse me I’d like to return this jacket.”