
i’ll admit to missing them though i’m not entirely sure why. i remember when i unlocked a health pack avatar item from l4d2 and thinking that was cool. i liked when games had those other rewards not just the achievements.

hah, i instantly thought of the NC too

i wish i was successful

oddjob - goldeneye64

smurfing sounds so dirty

just seeing Tig’s sketch now. pretty similar. i think i’m more blown away that nathan barnatt was in it. that’s awesome.

looks like conan o’brien’s luchador character, the crazy rooster

twitch is getting so bloated.

i clicked for gaffigan

hah, great topic. this area vexxed me so much as a kid.

i assumed/expected them to mention tilson and bourjos are former cardinals and go into that routine.

slow news day

is boost mode the same as blast processing?

i have no problem watching someone else play but i’m getting to the point where i’m starting to hate just about all LP type videos. there is so much crap on the screen nowadays with the camera and all these overlays. gotta have cam on, gotta have chat on screen, gotta have donations pop up, gotta promote your shit on

LA Noire?

are you all PC users as your 1st choice/main platform?

do you guys get press passes to the big gaming events or do you cover from afar?

best controller in the history of consoles is...?

are tiger electronic games the worst?