
GM did it first

Deploying lethal force in defense of life is a two part test. That is, the use of force must be both subjectively and objectively reasonable to excuse an otherwise unlawful taking of life.

hmmmmm OK nobody read this article until you’ve pre-ordered the book

You thought you were going to get a chance to see Stand Power in action, BUT IT WAS ME!

Man that is so awesome. I need to see Stevie perform before it’s too late.

Do you mean g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ghosts?!?!?!?

So remember the guy I said I had a crush on from work? Then I got on a dating website and was hating it because I can’t deal with rejection? Well. Today I matched with the guy from work. And I’m like “Is this awesome or is this awkward?” I’m saying awesome. I liked him with a green heart and now I’m waiting to see if

“Latin America, where people tend to associate darker skin with poverty, bad manners, and being less attractive.

Let me start by telling you that I am honestly not trying to brag about this, but as a dude who experiences this because of a gift (and a curse): sometimes its just inevitable, especially on the subway (Or any situation where you’re crammed in with people.)

I love Vanessa Williams, and I understand girls with some tone can begin to fade after a while without much they can do.

Now playing

Permament soundtrack until this is all over with one way or another.

Now playing

Yeah, I’m probably gonna be showin’ my age here (55, for the record), but many of my favorites are going to be from the 80s, though I do like more modern stuff.

I Doughty saw that coming....

This is exactly the situation of my best black friend. Because he lays out big truth in casual joke form - another trait you might recognize - he “jokes” that he was raised to be an emissary. His grandfather, a domestic servant, would tell him to never let “them” catch him looking dumb or lazy because it would

Give me a good live action version of Gundam 08th MS Team and I will throw all of my money at it.

Reigns, a game about ruling a kingdom through an interface that’s basically Tinder, just got a big update on PC and mobile. It adds more than 100 new cards, which include new objectives, characters, and of course, ways to die. Reigns was one of my favorite games of last year, so if you haven’t played it yet, do that.

Also in a nice LA suburb. I’m sorry that happened to you guys. These things shouldn’t surprise me or anyone, but it’s always amazing how ignorant and shitty people can be, even when their kids are within earshot.

1. create a budget that helps you spend less than you make.