
My wife and three year old daughter are spanish speakers. I barely speak english. I know they talk about me in spanish because my daughter tends to look right at me when they do. She and her family engage each other in spanish almost always. I never knew it was supposed to be uncomfortable, as I figured that meant it

As a black man I absolutely am feeling this. I live in a very nice suburb of Los Angeles, and my three year old has started an early preschool program. I try to be as available as I can and volunteer my creative media background for events and print materials and such. The shit I get from other parents is ridiculous.

I am the only man in a department of awesome ladies and we eat out for lunch nearly everyday. If deadlines are getting close we eat dinner together too. We even drink booze together. My wife is fine with that, although when younger, she would suggest that I was having an affair whenever I got caught in traffic and

I agree, I feel that a series like Assassins Creed could benefit from a nemesis like system to flesh out the Templars role in the story of any given game.

This is all terrible. A homeless cat could have walked in off the street and presented the best outfit of the show. It’s that So. Cal donation look you find in group homes across the county.

It’s always your own people, most times it’s your own people.

When I was a youngster in Pasadena, you could head to Tiny rental stores in San Gabriel and rent a poorly dubbed VHS and a paper print script with time code notations. Watch and read along!

I may have watched Ergo Proxy at least 10 times. There is so much to deconstruct and episodes which I initially believed to be weaker have become my favorites over time.

Children. One was a 17 year old girl! Can you imagine what her life has been? She will be a legal adult soon. Her childhood gone. Seriously, fuck those people and anyone who knew what was going on because believe me, people knew.

Never go through Stockton, are you crazy!

The amount of Meth that flows through Victorville would terrify you. I had a buddy who spent some time working there as part of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Narcotics Division and the experience almost caused him to quit. This is a war veteran who spent significant time working their Gangs and Drugs Taskforce

This is pretty accurate. Unless the black man has his hair grown out or as a past boss once explained it to me “an intimidating face.”

I love Porco Rosso. I know it isn’t Ghibli’s finest work, but the whole I’d rather be a pig than a facist thing is great. I always watch it and feel the subtle history of the characters and region do so much to set the mood of the work.

I am going to mention the next game. I was also 5 and Worthy had that triple double to close out the series. My brother and my father jumping around in our underwear whenever the Lakers scored. Afterwords people in our neighborhood were running around cheering. I got a kiss on the cheek from our neighbor, my brother

I read that and spit my coke out. Gritty? Since when? Are all the new condos and houses really government projects?

I attended Art Center College of Design in Pasadena and was proud of my academic and portfolio based scholarships. So I am sitting in a Directing 3 class furious because my teacher had just criticized a scene I had just presented. You see I had very little time to cast and rehearse with my actors because being a kid

My 2 year-old daughter loves Kiki’s Delivery Service but she loves, loves, FUCKING LOVES Angelina Ballerina.

Exactly this.

My wife is 5’4 maybe. I am 5’11. When I was younger I briefly dated a lovely woman who was 6’2 barefoot on the ground. She was wonderful, and her long, long legs looked great peaking from a dress. I never thought about how much heels added to her height or what people thought until years later when someone commented