The Mental Midget Slayer

She was a bit rude, he wasn’t telling her her business, just sharing a concern.  It’s silly to fire over it, it’s small thing.  They both had a point, and he was wrong about it not being a MMO problem and she was wrong thinking you could get people to embrace an MMO where people have to play NPCs all over.  Everyone

I disagree, Heather. She was speaking on her personal Twitter, yes, but she was speaking about the kind of work she did in relation to a recent AMA that ArenaNet did on Reddit. She was, in fact, representing ANet by opening up that line of discussion on her own Twitter feed. If I started speaking about my place of

Now playing

What does one have to say to be called SJW for Tumblr? I just love it when they eat their own. Less gay? Rathbone was less Gay. I never got why that show didn’t go all American, and still was partial limey.

Animal Crossing players will be livid.  Well more than they were after E3.

Blizzard makes games for fucking wimps, if your not a wimp, why buy their shit?
Frankly I think all players are assholes when they have a chat on and are North American.  The civility seems to increase in the old world.  Not because of rules, hell things roll of them better too.

Is having pale skin a creative twist?

It’s Richard Hammond

Troll might as well be added to Godwin’s law by now.

GBA was SNES on the Go.


Yeah that’s weird, have to feel stupid loving a game you could have had on a system you panned. I think the Switch is still up there because they still expect to hear about a new or at least a port of Animal Crossing (like a Welcome Amiibo on Switch at min.).
Also this has game cards.  Man I always miss the dual screen.

I isolated the consistent popularity of a console to Animal Crossing in the post SNES/GB era. Wii U lacked that one item, this consoles biggest test will be surviving that.

I use Bing because it’s an MS thing I can choose and stomach, and a Google thing I can choose not to use. Frankly my phone and Fire Stick is enough.

Aren’t they kids?

No no no...From what I’ve read (including multiple articles on this very site) the “why play X on Vita when i can play it on a console” wasn’t what consumers were saying it’s what Sony was saying.

The WiiU was a port machine, and that’s one of the primary things everyone hated about it.

Not a criticism, just an observation...

The WiiU was a port machine, and that’s one of the primary things everyone hated about it.

The Switch is a port machine, and not only is no one complaining, everyone seems to love it.